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RE: Having Children in Troubled Times: Should We Have Them At All?

in #steempress5 years ago (edited)

mmm, wow,, every post i have read has led me further to discovering my feelings on this..

This is a really deep and really important post to read! You bring up SO many things, and it sounds like you found your own balance. What i have just learned reading this is that its not so much IF you have children, but more if you have the time and space to give them what they really need,. i think most people living in the mainstreem barely have any time even for a newborn child.. For example, a woman is more or less compelled to return to work, if she works, just a few WEEKS after giving birth.

There is no right or wrong answer to this of course.. if we all did the same thing we would be in trouble no matter which choice we made. If we all had kids we would be overpopulated in terms of our current model of capitalism and what the world can sustain the way things are working right now..

and if no one had kids, well we'd be screwed in no time.. I think Japan is headed in that direction and they even had negative growth last year.,.

Thank you for putting your truth out there, and congrats on following your path despite the pressure of conforming to the our inner impulses and societal pressures..



Thanks so much for your great comment. These questions are such great food for thought, and dare I say it, the most controversial ones on the outside are the most fun to explore (except for Trump, don't EVER do that again!).

i think most people living in the mainstreem barely have any time even for a newborn child.. For example, a woman is more or less compelled to return to work, if she works, just a few WEEKS after giving birth

This is so true, and I know woman who do it. And men, of course - I think some woman would much prefer to work than stay home with kiddos, and that's fine too. Ideally, we'd live in a situation where the kids were with us, but in this society, it's not possible and that's sad. Why have kids if you can't spend time with them? Why send them off to boarding school? I don't get it. But then it's not my world so I guess I shouldn't judge. i was really lucky to have nearly 10 years at home pretty much with Jarrah - I was studying and on a single parent pension for a few years, and waitressed some nights when my folks looked after him. We spend so much time together, on the beach, travelling, learning, growing together. And then I moved overseas and only worked part time and he was at school but I was there most nights when he came home because thats the way we worked it. I am sooo grateful I did it that way - poor, barefoot, happy. Part of the reason I didn't want a second child is that I couldn't replicate that again - I knew I had to work to pay for this land we really wanted, to have a bit of security (yeah, I know, there are alternatives to that too) and so really, really didn't want to shove him off to daycare.

Phew. I went off on a tangent there! xx Thanks again for this awesome question, seriously forgot how much I loved these QOTW!

im glad you enjoyed it! i was thinking it might not be so popular as it was, but WOW was I wrong! All the posts so far are super brilliant!

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