Mi Primera Compra Steem Monsters/ First Purchase [SPA/ENG]

in #steempress5 years ago (edited)


Con cada batalla de Steem Monsters se aprenden cosas nuevas. Puede que sea la forma de hacer una alineación, la observación de alguna habilidad de defensa o ataque, o las cartas que van resultando más efectivas.

With every battle of Steem Monsters, you learn new things. Maybe it's the way to make a lineup, the observation of some defensive or attacking ability, or the cards that are proving more effective.


En mi caso me di cuenta desde el principio que mi splinter más débil era el de vida, así que decidí comprar algunas cartas que me permitieran mejorarlo un poco. En el mercado van a conseguir cartas para todos los presupuestos, así que el límite de las compras lo pone el poder de sus billeteras.

In my case I realized from the beginning that my weakest splinter was life, so I decided to buy some cards that would allow me to improve it a little. In the market they are going to get cards for all budgets, so the limit of purchases is put by the power of their wallets.


La primera carta que compré fue la “Divine Healer”, es una carta que en el nivel que yo la tengo no me da ningún tipo de ataque pero me sirve para darle un poco de vida al tanque, esto siempre es útil.

The first card that I bought was the "Divine Healer", it is a card that in the level that I have it does not give me any kind of attack but serves me to give a little heal to the tank, this is always useful.


También me decidí por “Defender of Truth”, es una carta que tiene el ataque de magia, útil cuando solo se puede jugar con las de vida, aguanta algunos golpes y me sirve para reforzar mi línea ofensiva.

I also decided on "Defender of Truth", is a card that has the magic attack, useful when you can only play with the life, take a few blows and serves to reinforce my offensive line.

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Por último compre una carta con la que me han hecho mucho daño, “Cerberus”. Es una carta del splinter fuego, cuenta con muchas ventajas: es rápida, tiene un ataque doble, buena vida y se recarga, con ella me ha ido bastante bien.

Finally I bought a card with which I have been hurt a lot, "Cerberus". It's a splinter fire card, has many advantages: it's fast, has a double attack, good heal and recharges heal, with it I've done quite well.

Hasta aquí mi informe del día.
Gracias por su tiempo.

So much for my report of the day.

Thank you for your time.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Fuente de las imágenes/ Source of images. I II


Posteado desde mi blog with SteemPress : http://irvinc.vornix.blog/mi-primera-compra-steem-monsters-first-purchase-spa-eng/

separador steeemmonster2.jpg


Few corrections, but you are new. The Cerebus does not have a double attack - it does have retaliate though, so if a monster melee attacks it, it might attack in retaliation. Also, 'STEEM MONSTErS' there are two e's in it. Glad you have decided to play! I assume you are leaning on the red and white splinters, ya? Is there any card you like that you have not gotten?

Thank you my friend, I appreciate the corrections. To my lack of knowledge is added how little I speak English, it may be the case that I do not express myself adequately. I'm just getting started in the game, there are a lot of cards I don't have. One that would help me with my offensive line would be the "Air Elemental" of splinter life. Thank you so much.

Ok I sent you one :)

My be that some of it gets lost in translation as well. Remember to have fun!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for that gift. I'm having a lot of fun with the game.

Muchas gracias por el apoyo.

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