[超好用系列之二] 手機通知apps(iOS/Android) -Steemify

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

特別鍾愛佢既推送通知好多時其實無特別留係Steemit上留意動態. 所以其他人upvotes, comments, mentions等等其實唔會馬上或稍後知道, 除非用Partiko/Busy/esteem等等登入網站揀選notification先會知.
但話說 尋日我並無online Steemit但突然收到push話我戶口有settings被人改動用, 即係類似下面咁, 係未明原因之前, 為左保障戶口安全我馬上登入並修改密碼. 可能係虛驚一場, 而事後我都未有特別尋找原因, 但諗深一層, 呢個先係apps最重要實用既原因

User review:
Push notification is my favorite function. Most of the time when I am browsing Steemit, I don't really pay attention for the feed like upvotes, comments, mentions etc unless using Partiko/Busy/esteemwhich have notification function. An experience for me is from yesterday, I got a push stating my account settings made some changes but at that time I'm just browsing with desktop explorer. I did change my master password immediately before I figure what it was to secure my account. Maybe it's just a misfeed or I did something minutes before, though I did nothing to recep. But yet, that is one of the important reason to use this apps

App store or Play store下戴

只係讀取戶口既通知, 所以不需密碼
Apps is loading account info ONLY, so password is not require



彈出通知功能真的很好用, 不過其他競爭對手如Partiko的apps都好勁, 可能會被取代
Push notification is really great function, other competitor like Partiko may soon have this function available

1. 增加/減少用戶
2. 通知選項
3. 選擇讀取之網頁版本
4. apps內讀取還是使用手機瀏覽器

Posts, Mentions, Votes, Transfers, Follows, Account changes





你那里天气如何?同学们~不要逃课了,快来新手村 @team-cn 做作业了!假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

你那里天气如何?小可可,淘气包帅还是我帅? 小可可,啥星座的? 小可可,你有半块橡皮吗?假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。


就我而言, 在幣圈世界安全為首, 去中心化及實用還是其次

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