In the end, how is it possible for children to learn by playing?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Hi, I'm @roseri, welcome to my blog:#maternidadwithpurpose


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Every adult knows that childhood is the best time to have fun. For the rest, playing must be one of the main activities of every child. This is due to the games that help them emotionally, physically, mentally and socially, and also be ways to stimulate the creativity of the little ones.

Therefore, nothing better than to stimulate them to learn by playing, participating in constructive activities and that stimulate further their development. For this, here are some jokes that will optimize the learning of your children.

How can my child learn by playing?

It is in childhood that we begin to experience the possibilities. In this phase, there are no prejudices regarding the type of toy or color. It is also when we acquire the spatial notion and attribute meanings to the objects and people with whom we interact.


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Exactly because of what has been said, children have more facility to learn anything than an adult. And that also extends to the language, be it the mother tongue or the foreign languages.

What counts is an important ingredient for cognitive, affective and social development. That's why parents can stimulate their children's creativity with games. Besides having fun, they will develop better:

1. Have fun like a cook

With the recent success of MasterChef Junior, many children spontaneously became interested in the world of cooking. Even now cooking classes are offered in schools. But that theme is usually the subject of girl games, which are stimulated by their mothers.


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However, we must remember that the kitchen can also be a place for children. Therefore, encouraging them to make their sweets is a great way to develop their skills and prepare them for when they become adults.

But be very careful!

Despite being a great activity - it encourages the learning of Spanish, mathematics and even chemistry - they need constant supervision in this environment. Blades, hot cooking or with flames and even plastic bags pose risks to them.

The most recommended is that children from 7 years of age can learn by playing with the chef. Encourage reading the recipes, identifying the packaging of the products and making the measurements of the ingredients.

Always remember to warn them about the risks of the kitchen, such as the temperature of the kitchen, the use of the microwave and the danger of, for example, throwing water into the hot oil.


It is good to remember that children do not have prejudices or evils like adults. Therefore, we can calmly present a doll or doll as a baby that needs care as your child already needed one day.

It is also interesting to project the future, remembering that when your child is a father, he will have to take care of his baby. Another point that can be observed is the identification of the child with the toy. That is hair type, a color tone of the skin and even some special need.

The professionals of the pedagogy also warn that the most modern dolls tend to limit the imagination of children. Therefore, they recommend the simplest dolls, such as those made of cloth and without defined functionalities, such as giving porridge, talking "mama" or even peeing.

3. Playing from learning Spanish.

Many parents are left in doubt about when they should introduce a foreign language, such as English, into their children's learning. As we explained earlier in an article about the reasons for offering language in early childhood education, the ideal is that the child has contact with the language since childhood.

However, not all parents feel safe to start educating their children in two languages. Therefore, children end up having contact with English only when they enter a school. If it's a bilingual school, fine. Otherwise, it is highly recommended that parents enhance their children's learning by playing the language.


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How can it be done? In various ways. When parents have some knowledge of the language, they can start by inserting some words. When offering a fruit, say your name in both languages, for example.

Another way that can help parents, especially those who do not speak Spanish, is to offer toys in that language. It can even be through the cell phone, tablet or video games. By the way, you can learn to teach English to children with the help of technology here on our blog. On Android and iOS platforms, there are hundreds of options for children's games for all ages. Many of them even offer a voice resource, helping the child learn to pronounce the words.

4. Singing and playing using the imagination.

Using toy musical instruments is a great way to learn while playing. In addition to the better development of their children's motor skills, they can learn Spanish with music - which reinforces the previous point. Many parents prefer to place children in music schools. This is not bad, but it is worth remembering that we are talking about games and not classes, with rules and technical training. The child, initially, should be at ease to shape and even develop their own games. On the other hand, this is an excellent way to see if your child has inclinations for that area. Therefore, we recommend that you be enrolled in classes to learn techniques and develop talent.

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5. Drawing everything a little

It is difficult to find a child who does not like to draw or color sketchbooks. Then, provide a beautiful set of colored pencils, little faces, and chalk of wax and let your children let go of their imagination. Too little, you can go adding specific figures and speaking the name of them. This is optimal, even, to teach a new language. But ideal for young children is always that the drawing accompanies the explanation of the adult. If possible, show the object you will have to color or draw. As you can see, learning by playing is very fun and helpful for the evolution of the little ones. Then, use and abuse all these possibilities, but always respecting the preferences of your children.

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