Breakthrough News For Road Warriors - From Terry Brock on the Road

in #steempress5 years ago (edited)

Okay my fellow road warriors, I'm talking to you on this one. You know what it's like when you're on the road and you can't get the band with that you need to get the job done.

Been there.

Done that.

The speed you get at best is agonizingly slow. Trying to get work done really takes way too much time.It has gotten better than the last two years but is still abysmally slow in many places.

In this video I give you a delightful surprise of how I'm breaking through that and getting the results I need. I just did this from here in my hotel room while on the road (in Minneapolis today).

You'll smile and be delightfully surprised when you see what is possible and how you can get speeds you want to get the job done.

Yes, it is much better today than ever before. Take advantage of this for your own life. Get more results by using the right tools and technologies.

Please subscribe to this and follow me on Steemit. If you'd like I would greatly appreciate your upvote so we'll know to keep producing more content like this.

Thank you for joining me. I eagerly look forward to hearing from you on Steemit.

All the best,


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
[email protected]
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Outrageously cool videos on my YouTube Channel (!)

Linkedin - MarketerTerryBrock
Facebook - MarketerTerryBrock
Twitter - @TerryBrock
Steemit - @terrybrock


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Thanks @terrybrock for the heads up on this. I assume with my I-phone I could do the same thing ??

Yes, you'd have a similar feature with iPhone. I don't have that on my iPhone (yes, I have both iPhone and Android phones with me most all the time). Might be good to check with Apple about that so I'll have another alternative in case I need it. Thanx for your comment @robertandrew

Bandwidth is a real pain in most of rural England and because we have a monopoly (Openreach formerly BT) running the network; even the hotspot functions on my phone are pretty non usable.
We need a more competitive telecomms market here.
Happy to see you don't have the same drawbacks over there. Terry.
Have fun in the snow :-)

Thank you, @molometer. Yes, it seems a bit better here. I'm using that connection even now as I type this. It is much faster than the hotel's connection --- and more secure.

I didn't realize it was called Openreach now. Thanx for the update.

Always very good to hear from you.


BT was forced by the government to sell off Openreach into a separate company which maintains the network and in doing so turned a monopoly into a duopoly.
Only in Britain hey? lol

Sounds like something a government would do. Oh well, at least we're getting access to the Net. Hope you are doing very well, my friend!

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