
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Summary: Pandora inflicts 3 hearts of damage onto the nearest gobbo

"Go get 'em Thunk!!!"

Question: Is there such a thing as 'cover' in this game?
Since I am standing behind a rock?

I guess that depends on how TALL that rock is. If it is tall enough to cover you, then it also blocks your line of sight and you hit nothing but the rock.

🙂 it blocks Line of Sight.

I’m pretty sure if you only move two spaces you don’t have line of site (but you would have cover😝). If you are going to shoot you need to have moved 3 actions and then shoot on your last action.


She could run 3 spaces with 2 actions and take the modifier on hit chance.

Thunk does not think heading into a group of goblins solo is a good idea (they would have at least 8 free attacks PLUS whatever the mage has to offer).
Thunk looks at Pandora and says, “You crazy elf. You are running right into the flames! Get outa here before you get yourself dead”.

Uh oh... I was countin' on ye for an ole fashioned pincer move mate.... you know, like we did against the ratmen at Keller's Keep?

Thunk skids to a halt before even moving, pivots and runs to the side of ET.

OOC: @simplegame, will you allow me to change my direction?

If yes, I will run 2 actions to goblin warrior 3 and use my dual wield to attack.

That is fine

OOC; I’m going to reply to the main comment to continue the attack. I’ll recap the move there

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