Andy Hoffman Turns 180 Degrees


Andy Hoffman was a vocal advocate for precious metals about 1 year ago when he did weekly podcasts for JS Mindset. A few months back he parted ways with JS Mindset and there was almost no back story in regards to why they parted ways. I did find an article a few weeks after the parting that vanilla coated the split.

Now starting about 2 or 3 months ago, Andy started to profess his belief of cryptocurrencies. This is not a good or bad thing as all people have a right to change their minds and we all have errors in judgement picking the wrong horse, changing our opinion after discovering our error. I just find it curious that after years of lauding the benefits of the metal that he has turn ice cold on metal and red hot on cryptos.

Over the years, I agreed with his economic premise but with his recent position I see he is now taking the same stance as all the analysts he criticized. As I mentioned before, I wish him no ill will but I also do not agreed with his new financial outlook and I will not sell any metal to purchase cyptos.

This is not to say, I wouldn't invest in cryptos. I do believe some of the coins will succeed. If you have read any of my posts, you have likely seen banners supporting steem and steemish. I believe the utility of these coins have value and show an excellent chance of success. Just a caveat, this is not meant to be taken as financial advice, it is my opinion.


How i can join in that comunity ?

Are you referring to SteemThat?

can you help me something ?
how i can join in that comunity ?

Did you see that video with him and SGT report? Andy has lost it.

Not wanting to be critical but I agree. I followed him for some time and I was in agreement with his logic. Ever since he parted ways with JS Mindset, I haven't followed him. I'm wondering if he was paid off?

Thank you for your information.....
How interesting....
Thanks again....
Can i ask something ? how can iam mining bitcoin ?

You can never trust someone’s opinion who completely does an about turn after hundreds of investors took his advice seriously.
They used to call the man ranting andy for good reason, he just used to rant and repeat what other people were saying with little in the way of original thought or sound arguments. I always used to switch him off then for his annoying rants, but he has lost any limited credibility that he had now. The only reason he's still lingering on the scene is because he's pumping the next new and exciting meme. If crypto's fail to deliver fast profits he'll be off pumping something else no doubt.

Even when I agreed with his opinions, I use to be put off with his rants and how he belabors the main talking points. And I think you're right - if / when cryptos fail he will jump on another hot item.

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