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RE: My Monetary Vision...

The Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value thereof, has been removed from Congress and was returned to "We the People"...

We the People now control the Power and don't need the Central Bank Owners permission...

The Central Bank Owners are Currently in Panic Mode, long with all their Bought and Paid for Puppets...

We the People own the Rights to the Electronic Coinage that will replace that Central Banks 'Digital" Fiat Slave Units...

Thanks for Commenting...

April 30, 2021... 12.5 Hollywood Time...


You did not answer any of my questions. Your statements may well be true but if no one knows about it who cares? We allowed the bus to be driven to our current location. You seem to think that someone in the federal or state governments or 4th estate that has our back. Name one person with any level of power who is even trying to educate people about financial freedom. Those at the top do not speak truth or care about us. We are free because we choose to be so but most humans prefer un-freedom.

Sorry... I have no insider information... What I write about is what I consider to be the only way back to a Sound Monetary System... I figure the Slave Unit Dollars we're currently using, are about to run out of "Spending Power"... Once this happens, there will be "nothing" left to "inflate"... It's not that anyone needs to know in advance of the Reset... Those who are not prepared for the Reset, won't be any better or worse off... There will be many who will be sitting pretty, because they were lucky enough to be sitting on some of the Assets that will do very well...
If you still have questions, please number them, and I'll do my best to answer them for you...
May 6, 2021... 14.1 Hollywood Time...

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