
I think that a diversified portfolio is key to maintaining a healthy financial hedge. I am not into much, but I believe in real estate, investing in my pension fund or IRA for others, I have a few stocks (Coke, Microsoft, Walmart and Homedepot, and now Mene all of which I am a customer and user of their products), building a fiat stack, and precious metals. Also, I believe in not having revolving debt. I appreciate your visit today, @scaredycatguide! I just followed you, my friend.

Yep, agreed. I own rental properties, have metals, stocks and cryptos.

I've only had one other stacker (@silveringots) on my ScaredyCat Investor Show (on the minnow support discord channel) maybe it's something for you to join me on and talk metals sometime?

@silveringots is a major, big time vintage bar collector. He acquires very high premium silver. I am an average cost stacker with a tiny budget for precious metals, and do not really go for high premium silver because it defeats the purpose of saving and stacking. I am not a collector!
Yeah, I have a rental unit as well and use income generated from that to pay down my mortgage every month. So far so good. I love it that the real estate market has picked up since I bought this home. I may yet decide get into more debt in real estate to get another rental, or go rent myself a smaller place (this house is too big for me) and rent out this house! But much of my ability to save comes from not buying fluff and stuff. Before stacking, I used to go crazy on clothes, handbags and shoes... and crazy other useless stuff. ON my first month of stacking, I just decided not to buy any of that, I did not need four new dresses, or four shoes, or another bag. I got silver instead. Since then, I my mindset has changed: to the greatest extent possible, I use fiat money to buy real value!

Look at you go! That is awesome. Yeah, as for as leverage debt for real estate it doesn't get any cheaper than it is right now with rock bottom interest rates. Prices of homes on the other hand are a different story. I tell people just be sure it will cash flow then price isn't as important. I created a rental property calculator on my website I use to run numbers on properties all the time. Keeps me in check.

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