Saturday Night Silver Stacking Meme Post

These old memes of mine seem to be popular so i will continue until i burn through all my best ones. I can never use my crypto ones again as they are related to prices. Silver memes are timeless and will last forever. When the bull comes a running for the silver and gold market i'll be waiting in the shadows with a mind fell of meme ideas ready to hit the iron while its hot. I had looked into dmania but im i correct in thinking they link to my steemit account and anything i post there will post on here?

Anyways, on to this weeks Silver stacking meme's

I have been telling for her years. Put your phone down and get a jobbie are wait until we have enough silver the melt down to mould into a new car. We might need a 1000 horses under the hood to push the thing but we can only dream big. Of course would be bigger but i have stackitis so you understand.

The next silver coming my way is the 47oz Uk group Steem silver round group buy. Ohhh, you better believe an epic unboxing post will be done for that. Steem silver porn galore, of course i'll keep the caps on. I wont want it to be a 18+ post

I dont have a LCS but i is normally my reaction while online window shopping. I spent time on the USA bullions sites looking at everything and the prices are so cheap. Of course shipping and vat costs destroy that dream. I spent most of my time looking at custom bars, something that is very hard to find in the UK/Europe for a good price.

Pretty much all my my stack comes from a company in Belgium so when buying, i need to look to factor in pound to euro and expensive shipping. I save up and when i have a enough, i try to pick a spot, take aim and get ready to pull the trigger. As mentioned before, i have stackitis and its one of the side effects. My doctor says, it because im a boner but he does'nt have stackitis so he does'nt know what it freaking like.

Its true, its true. There will always be someone on eBay using software to get in the winning bid within the last 3 seconds. And another thing i noticed is that when do win, the winning amount is always my max bid to the penny. Im not saying anything but...........Fixed? ()

When im his age, i'll be telling people when i was young. Money was worthless and both parents had to work while claiming family benefits. Things that we take for granted like owning a house could be a pipedream for people coming into the workforce now. Im glad i bought when i was 19 and only have a few years left to pay it. That 14 years ago on a £900 a month salary and £10k deposit. Those days are long gone and i fear setting the kids up well cost me a big chunk are all of my stack. But needs must..

Business idea anyone?

Only costs $500 to get in friends. Im take care the money and im move to Vagus to silver mask capital of world. This is 20 year plan so i update then, we be rich soon. Millions of dollar waiting for only send me $500,ok?. Please send your $500 to [email protected].

Ohhh, back in the days when the kids were younger and when extra money came along there was no new tablet are laptop i had to buy. I could split it with the wife and spend my half on silver. I still have a few years before they are asking for hard cash instead of stuff. Im hoping to have hit my 1000 oz goal by then and if not, overtime is easy got from work. haha

I just laughed at this one

Im going to leave with this one.
stacking kickmeme.png

I hope you enjoyed the silver stacking memes and thank you for taking the time to check out my post, feel free to leave a comment.


Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

eBay is a strange beast I tell ya, sometimes I win coins with 10 dollars of silver for .99 cents, other days, I get none of my bids

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