Ow My Balls: redux

in #steemsilvergold5 years ago (edited)

Hi friends,

(Damn @fat-elvis is lookin’ good! 😜)


Q: what do you do when you buy bitcoin, it crashes, and then you buy some more of that shit and that shit crashes too?

A: well, thaz right, you buy yet more of that shit! ...but in a different color!

Last night i passed by the ‘Beag on my way home. I was trying to get home early, but you know (or can guess) how it is... i had a few beers with my buddy C behind the bar, and marvelled at the low price of bitcoin. And given my investment in cryptos, replayed this scene over and over in my mind...


And then i approached the ATM. I tried to buy btc, but no, sold out. I tried to buy super cheap ltc, but no, sold out. All that was left was Dash, so i plugged in my loot and took the coins on my phone lickety split! I was buying last night when btc was 3,800 on bitfinnex — and today?


And Dash is doing pretty good too. 1% is nothing in crypto-land, and for real, my Dash wallet on jaxx has improved $17 since yesterday, so i’m counting that as a win.

Now of course i agree that it could go lower... but none of the fundamentals have changed, and interestingly enough, the work that is being done on blockchain tech is full-on. This shit ain’t going away... but wadda’ i know?


Also, i shot my scene on i Zombie this morning and it went great! (As far as i can tell...) i had many kudos, beyond what you might expect. And it felt really good to be doing what i love to do. It’s a longish story, but becoming a dad has tapped formerly unknown levels of gravitas. The work was different, and the feel was different. Without a LOT of words it is hard to explain.

I’m excited! I’m gonna’ get paid! I’m gonna’ buy some more silver and a bag or two of groceries!!!

Woooooooo!!!! Good times friends! Just keep on stackin’ on the days i cannot, and we’ll all be better off!


Cheers! from @thedamus


Blatant and complete participation in the wonder that is both skinny and @fat-elvis



Nice that managed to catch a little bounce today! I have some fiat waiting to clear, but I'm not totally sure that this is a sustainable green change. Enjoy the shopping!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Exciting that you got your scene filmed! Hope it leads to more opportunities. 🧟‍♂️ ☺️

Thanks d-fin, the day went really well 😆😁😁 i hope the cut looks good. fyi, it’s 5th season epi. #10

Cheers bro. I was gomna buy some ETC today, I may wait till Friday and see if there's another pullback.

It’s hard to know when the right time is... but if crypto is here to stay, then anytime before next ATH is a good time.
Good luck bro! 😎👍

Yeah man, it's anyone's guess. I wish I was more of a gambler sometimes, cause sometimes ya hit it right. But I'm not, I guess. But if it pulls back a bit, which it seems it might... I'll toss a small amount at ETC. I won't lie, I'm not financially secure right now,lol!!! That's an understatement!!!. Ha! but I'm fine, I have my job, and I have most of my stack. I have a good place to live, and enough food on the plate. There's a lot worse off than me. Frig I'm actually laughing at my own financial comment! Lol. I don't really give a shot about money, so it's funny to me. I'm low-falutin. Not high-falutin.

I gotta get me a cabin in the woods.

Anyway, did you get my package? Or did Canada Post strike cock it up? I hope you did.

Hi fat-elvis, i’m having my own financial crisis right now, lofl, and i need to pay for my PObox b4 i can retrieve anything... should get ‘er done today!

You Can't Keep a Good Crypto Buyer Down even if the ATM is OUT of Bitcoin.............

Indeed! Crypto Marketcap just went up a few hundred dollaz 😜👍👍⚡️🕺


Woo Hoo!!! C’mon baby!

I admire your tenacity and faith in cryptos, @the damus... it is very inspiring! WOW, congratulations on your acting/stunting day. Will we ever be able to see it? Nothing beats earning fiat that we can convert into real money! Stack on, my friend!

It will be aired as iZombie on CW — episode 5/10. Not sure when it premiers. But i’ll try to get a date... 😁👍

Looking forward to it!!!!!!

I have some Answers, if you're Really interested...
Start thinking U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

Pocketchange, i am sick to fucking death of your theory! I have read hundreds of your ill-formatted posts and seriously concluded that you’re just wrong. You reiterate the same cockamamie idea over and over and over again ad nauseum to the point where even if you were right no one is listening anymore man.

Further, in a primarily Silver forum you have stated that you have “moved on from precious metals” and now you are advocating for collecting common coinage in a piggy-bank as a form of not only wealth protection but for 100x gains. DUDE!!! IT IS ABSURD!!! Get a freaking grip! And unless you have something new to say, stop spamming me with the same old bs — i’m done!

Okay then... I will MUTE you and everyone who up-votes your above reply...

Why don’t you take a step back from your monomania and try to get some objectivity on this situation. I’m not trying to be a dick pc, i’m just trying to alert you to the fact that your message is totally lost when you flog it EVERY SINGLE FREAKING POST!

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