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RE: The Steem Sister Show - Episode 08 // Spirituality and Religion - PART TWO

Sinners!!! Haha! Glad I got to hang out with you two in Sin City for a bit. I could go on for days about religion and my upbringing, and rebellion... Fortunately these days, I love freedom and am also a lot more accepting of religion than I used to be. These Steem Sisters shows are great, thanks for the fun and have a great weekend!



WHAT? You think I'm a sinner too?? Geez guys... hahah

Only in a good way LOL,
I've actually got some personal experience and insight into these areas, along with my world travels and friends from many different belief backgrounds.
I believe what brings, light, joy, hope and smiles to others by you being free in your soul to express your light is a positive and powerful thing. There is no sin there.
NB: side note, "Sin" from Ancient Hebrew referring to missing the mark, missing the bullseye of a target, not achieving your desired goal or attempt.... a lot less insidious than todays interpretation 😉
so we are all sinners in life as we can all strive to be better, not falter on where we missed the mark, but to try again. No Fail, go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200 monopoly scenario there. 😁

hahaha guilty as charged!! I hear you on being more accepting. It took some work for me to get there too... but it's a great place to be now. Much more light and free. :)

Thanks for watching our show! That's super cool of you. :)

Haha! Busted!
Definitely more light and free. Religion can be very helpful to some people, it's just unfortunate when some people take it too far.
Of course! It's always fun to watch. Cheers!

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