the moon will do something unpublished in more than 150 years

in #steemstem6 years ago

Hello, dear friends of the Steemit community today, I want to share with you a very interesting news that surprises us all and is that this month of January will have two full moons, and that of 31 will be called as a blue super moon. Well, friends, do not extend my presentation here, I leave a summary of this interesting news that I hope you like.

Three celestial events that have not coincided in more than 150 years

On January 31, something surprising will happen that will affect the appearance of the next full moon, which has been described as a super eclipse of blue blood moon.

The Earth's natural satellite will change color. But it will not turn blue. Actually, it will turn reddish.

According to, "the eclipse will take place during the middle of the night, and the Pacific Ocean will turn toward the moon at that time. Central and eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and most of Australia will get a beautiful view of this lunar show in the night sky. Going towards western western Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the eclipse will already be under way as the moon rises. "

For this occasion, the Earth will be aligned between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the light that reaches the lunar surface. This creates a shadow of the Earth on the Moon, and makes the blood or orange color appear red.

In the areas described, on January 31, the moon will lose its normal brightness and acquire a called blue glow, which is weaker than normal due to the lack of sunlight passing through the Earth's atmosphere. They are constantly emitting a reddish hue due to the way the atmosphere doubles the light, the totally eclipsed moon is sometimes called 'Blood Moon'

The super moon that will happen on Wednesday, January 31 will also be the second full moon of the month. Some people generally call it a "Super Blue Moon". Blue moons occur every 2 and a half years, on average. With the total eclipse, it will be a moon 'super blue moon of blood'

The next time a Blue Moon is seen it will be December 31, 2028 and January 31, 2037. Both will be total eclipses.

If you want to know more about this topic, do not hesitate to ask me or access the links that I leave below to increase your knowledge.


January 31 will see the 'blood blue supermoon'

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