in #stermiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Have we ever wondered, if steemit or cryptocurrencies is for only those who are in need or who are facing a financial problem ?Here are the reason why steemit or cryptocurrency is not only for the rich or for the poor.

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STEEMIT is a platform which is been powered by steem blockchain and a part steem ecosystem which has been a blessing to all members -especially those in the developing countries who otherwise do not have an option to earning enough money to help their family. Forget about the current correction or decline in value of most top coins and tokens-rather think about the value cryptocurrencies have added since their inception to many lives.

steemit benefits to the poor


Here in Nigeria, the poor benefits the most in steemit because, the rate of unemployment here in Nigeria is so high. Steemit platform provides opportunities for all. In fact if you are broke, you can still be a success here-the only thing you need is internet, PC , patience and the ability to learn and blog smart.

steemit platform unlike other social media platforms (Facebook , for example, will never share revenue with members) is currently disrupting the segment and providing opportunities to all ( poor and rich)-especially those who otherwise do not have the opportunity or knowledge to succeed online.

steemit benefits to the average earners


Steemit platform can really be of great benefits to the average earners in the sense that, Steemit is also a platform to showcase your talent in so many countries. Here in Nigeria we have so many talented singers here in ngeria.but they don't know we're to start advertising or showcasing their songs. Steemit is a one place where all those talents is been showcased .

Steemit benefits to the rich


Steemit is a platform you cannot compare the return on investment (ROI) of cryptos with any other investments (even stocks or bonds ). Therefore many rich people have turned to steem blockchain , bitcoin , the newly formed Ethereum Lyte ( www.elyte.io ) and other cryptos due to good ROI the projects provide.

On the other hand, however, the crypto space is being attached (continuously ) by some greedy rich entities ( Banks , government entities , gold investors, Facebook e.t.c ) who want to continue their greedy monopoly and control over the masses and thus will always spread Fund through their controlled media leading to loss in value of cryptos.

My conclusion

Steemit is a platform that do welcome both the rich, poor and low income earners to participate, investment and showcase anything you have in check. It's also a platform, where you can also learn and know what is happening around the globe.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.25
TRX 0.11
JST 0.029
BTC 69302.00
ETH 3683.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.34