Ten (10) Days Serving The Dogs; How amazing it is to Care

in #story6 years ago (edited)

The was a late King of a particular community in Africa, who had 10 ravenous dogs (scary dogs). He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake with any role(s) assigned to them.


One of the servants gave an opinion which was wrong, and the King got mad. So the King ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs. The servant said, " I served you for ten years and you do this to me? Please, give me ten days before throwing me to those dogs!?" The king agreed.

In those ten days, the servant went to the guard who looked after the dogs and told the guard that he would love to serve the dogs for the next ten days. The guard baffled, but agreed and the servant started feeding the dogs, cleaning for them, bathing them, and providing all sort of comforts for them.

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When the ten days elapsed, the king ordered that the servants be thrown to the dogs for punishment. When he was thrown in. The king and his subjects were all amazed, seeing the dogs licking the feet of his servant.

The king was baffled at what his was seeing, and said, "What has happened to my dogs? " The servant replied, "I served the dogs and they didn't forget my services". "Yet, I served you for ten years and you forgot all my services at my first mistake!"

The king broke down in tears and ordered that the servant be set free. And from that day, he treated all his servants with love and respect.

N/B: People will forget what you did for them. People will forget what you said to them, but they will not forget how you made them feel..

It pays to be kind to your neighbors, servants, workers, family, colleagues. For who knows time a day chance happens to us all.

But, the question is, "How well do we use our time and chance given to us, to affect the lives of people"?

Thanks for visiting my blog and till then. I remain loyal and faithful to @steemjet and it's community. ☝️☝️☝️@misterbauchi.


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