
gracias, que parte te ha gustado?

La parte del soldado rick ha tomado como mucho tiempo, el sujeto deberia estar preso y ya

No entiendo a que te refieres

El sujeto estaba en un juicio no?

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

Lee la historia completa para que la puedas entender

Es lo que he estado haciendo

Pues continúa


you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0


De nada! es la verdad

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

Ok. Por que comentas tanto?

Es por que me gusta!

Ya lo noté


you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 0.03%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.0

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STEEM 0.30
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JST 0.032
BTC 63701.54
ETH 3092.31
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.87