
in #strawberryweek6 years ago


ABOUT STRAWBERRIES: Fragaria × ananassa or commonly known as the garden strawberry is a widely known and widely loved hybrid of Fragaria. Counting about ten varieties it is usually grown in the moderate belt with only one variety native to Chile. There is even a yellow strawberry variety. The bottom part of the plant is made of three leaves at a time bunches. They have a white flower from which the fruit grows. The strawberry is not actually a berry. From a botanical perspective, it is an aggregate accessory fruit. That means that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries. Each apparent seed on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.

HISTORY: The name Fragaria derives from the Latin word ‘’grafare’’ which means a pleasant aroma, and not just from the fruit but the leaves as well. The garden strawberry was first bred in Brittany, France, in the mid 18th century through a cross of Fragaria virginiana from North America and Fragaria chiloensis, which was brought from Chile by Amédée-François Frézier in the early 18th century. In commercial production, Fragaria × ananassa has replaced the woodland strawberry, Fragaria vesca, which was the first strawberry species cultivated in the early 17th century.

USE: Even though it is primarily used as food, strawberries are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes as well. Strawberries are packed with calcium, calcium an phosphor, which benefits the bones, magnesium which helps fighting stress and iron. The leaves can be used to prepare lovely lemon like tea. The tea is used as a remedy. The leaves have a high level of tannin the tea can also help fight digestion tract inflammation. Strawberries also have lots of vitamin C and A, fibre and folic acid which is essential for pregnant women and those planning the pregnancy.

Strawberries can be used for cosmetical purposes as well, which of course does not mean you’d have to use 10 kilograms for a bath like the legendary Napoleons friend, madam Tallien. Just by eating them on regular basis you are helping your skin glow. You can also whiten your teeth by rubbing them with strawberries before brushing. It is best to eat them fresh but one can make all sorts of delicious desserts, jams and drinks from strawberries. If eaten unsweetened they are a great aid for thurst and can be a great dessert for diabetics.

FUN FACTS: The belief that strawberries are an aphrodisiac and enhance the libido of the consumer is widespread in many societies. Ancient Romans even believed it to be an antidepressant. Her heart shape and bright red colour do look like the love in a berry so it’s no wonder it is a fruit dedicated to goddess Aphrodite. According to an ancient legend if you share a double joyned strawberry with your special someone it is guaranteed you will fall in love forever. Strawberries and champagne have become a symbol for the romantic encounter. Another legendary strawberry combo is strawberries and cream which was created on the court of Henry VIII by Thomas Wolsey.


Do you like Strawberry or are you one of those, in my free estimation two people in the world, who don't like them? What memories do you have that are tied to strawberries? I'd love to hear from you!

Stay tuned for all things Strawberry, you might be surprised what comes out of it. If you have anything Strawberry I missed out on, link it or if you plan on doing anything use a #strawberryweek hashtag so I can find you. Buckle we go


I really enjoyed your article. I didnt know about Strawberries as an antidepressant!

Well neither did I until today :)

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