Steemit Prepper Find...U.S.T. Camping Stove!!!

in #survival7 years ago

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen; today let's look at little gem I found at the local Wally Mart! It was a pretty good deal. a $5 camping stove with fuel tablets! Can't go wrong there! But before I give it all away, Let's see what I got for you right below! Thank you everybody! : )

TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It

GIF courtesy of @liberty-minded! Thank you!
@oilyshumblehome I'll keep tagging!: )

Semper Fidelis



Wally World is full of gems! Great post brother!

Thanks brother. Yea I love the Walmart camping section! I'm like a kid in a toy store while I'm in that section! Lol

My favorite part about the camping section @ Walmart is the fact that it's extremely close to the ammo.

I do love the guns too. But my Walmarts fun section is tiny. ☹️We have a few fun stores that are pretty awesome here though. 😀

And there's hardly any good ammo ever in stock. 😞

But I do have the privilege of living just under a minute from an ammo supply store. 😀😎 Lol

That's great man! I am glad the prices have stabilized.

Me too man. Ammo prices were crazy for awhile. 😱

Great post! :) Especially those matches... ;) Try plunging a lit one in water and then pulling it back out. It will still burn like mad!
The stove looks like a version of the Esbit chemical pellet stove. It's old tech (German from the 1930's) but works albeit within limits. Don't depend on this for boiling drinking water from snow or working at near and subzero temperatures- it takes too many tablets to get the water going.
I count on white fuel stoves (e.g. MSR dragonfly) in the mountains- they are far more reliable for getting some real heat.

Yea they are some good matches. And I'd prolly hope to build a good sized fire in cold temp. Honestly I don't even know if I would use the tablets anyway. Ten minutes per is just not enough time. I'd probably use 3 tabs just to get 1 pot of water. Lol

Yeah. It gets worse as the temperature falls :/

Yea. I just like how small the stove folds up and of course the price. Lol

:). They have been part of emergency kit for a long time for that reason...

Good to know on depending on them to boil water, etc. Thank you @throughmyeyes

Little stoves like that are great if you are trying to prevent making a big fire in the event of trying to remain concealed. Mind you, the smell of food will still be in the air, but at least you can refrain from causing a lot of light or smoke like a camp fire would make. Great to get warm or boil water too!

Thanks again for being the guinea pig! Do you have any idea on the price for those tabs? My little stove is propane and that gets heavy to carry in a BOB, especially for someone who is not in the best of shape. I am wondering about this as an alternative. What is the weight of this stove?

Haha. Thank you Oily. Yea I got distracted real quick. Haha. But as for the cost of the tablets there are many kinds out there but I haven't seen the ones that come with it. I know that there are alternates from Walmart for under $2. And the weight of this product even with the tablets the package says .8 oz. But that might be for just the stove. But it is definitely well under a pound all together. 😀 Also I found that if you shave the tablets into a powder, they can be lit with a striker. 😀

Ahhh! Good to know! I was also thinking that you could use your striker to like some tinder then put the table on that...but shaving a little of the tablet and using the striker seems much simpler! Smart man! Lol!

I can be pretty smart sometimes. Haha. 😂So I will take that. Thank you. Lol. 😋


Your little man is cute. Did you get those matches at wally world too?

Thank you very much. 😀 And yes they were like $2 or $3 I think. They are pretty good from what I've seen so far.

I'll check them out next time I go there.

They're worth it. 😀I might pick up a few more while I'm out and about today.

Make your own with regular matches and some candle wax left from a burned down candle. ;)

Nice demo @teotwawkiman, I was gonna be very surprised if you got the fuel tab lit with the ferro rod...tried it before to no avail with different fuel tabs. Love when your son came in and said 'what's up!'

I tried. Lol. I was thinking if I crushed it up maybe it would work. Maybe I'll try it someday. Haha. But thanks brother! He's always asking me " I want to be in your video daddy" lol. So that's why he's been appearing alot more lately. 😀

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