Weekly Cards are Up. Pick one and have some fun! by Sunscape

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

Sunscape's Weekly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

    The Good Tarot

    by Colette Baron-Reid
    I will be sharing the information on each card
    according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
    that accompanies the deck, along with my own
    intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Guidance Card 1

7 of Earth / Pentacles

Opening to a new strategy, being at a crossroads,
a decision to be made

As you reflect on your progress to date and see where you stand, You have been contemplating whether you want to continue singing the same song or change your tune. This is the card that represents assessing the harvest from the fruits of your hard labor. Has it been worth all the effort that you have put into your project or is it time for patience and appraisal of your situation.

You are always free to go back to and re-imagine what you might co-create. If what you manifested does not serve you as you thought it might. You don't have to be afraid to admit it is no longer for you. Sometimes it is hard to be patient for your hard work and venture to begin to take off too. The card may even suggest that you could be self sabotaging your own success by hidden fears that you may not be aware of. Can you take a moment or two to determining what it is you feel is happening at this point in time.

Whatever it is you choose to do, you are not afraid to start over, for you feel assured that Spirit will always support your highest good. You and your guidance team will not let you down. Sometimes it is wise just to take a break and see what happens next and stop pushing against the flow of things. Be patient.

Guidance Card 2

King of Air / Swords

Intellectual authority, Successful negotiations

As with all kings, this card represents external expertise in judging the truth of any situations that lay before you. You may often find yourself in the position of a decision maker who has to base your choices on logic and rationality, and principles that you adhere to. You look for the facts and determine if there is honesty and truth in each circumstance before you make your decisions on which way to go. Does that feel like you? Are you the strong leader, always seeking the highest truth to lead others along the way as you traverse the challenges of your own journey?

You certainly know what you want out of life and go for it with gusto. You are not afraid to take risks as long as you are able to uphold your values and beliefs. You always think before you act and know beyond a shadow of doubt that you have built yourself a sure foundation upon which you stand.

This card says congratulations to you on sticking to your personal truths and helping others to seek theirs as you know that your instincts work for you and those that are supporting you. Enjoy the fact that you rule your life with a strong mind, but also remember that it is often necessary to follow your heart too. For from the heart, the soul speaks in greater depths than you can imagine. Follow your gut and instincts with continued passion as it is definitely working for you.

Guidance Card 3

10 of Water / Cups

Serenity, Good Fortune, Well-Being

All is well in your world right now isn't it? You are probably feeling like your standing on top of the mountain after an easy climb to the peak. Life seems to be very easy for you at this time in your life. Congratulations for you certainly have imagined a wonderful life for yourself. You have everything you need and it seems to come to you almost effortlessly. Not many people can say that for themselves.

The 10 of Water is all about the fulfillment of all your dreams. That may include prosperity, love and relationships, a happy family life and a very successful work environment. What ever this card means to you, it is reminding you to stay joyful and positive in every situation. It is asking you to express that joy to others, as well as, you sharing your heartfelt inspiration with them. You are in the perfect place to offer advice from the heart to assist others on their journey too.

As you continue to live your life in harmony with yourself, your family and with nature and all that surrounds you, remember that it was you and the guidance of spirit that has brought you this far. You have been supported in more ways than you can imagine and Spirit is here to celebrate you today. You have traveled your road with a grateful heart...... High Five!!!

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Sunscape's Soap Shop


I chose card 2.

Congratulations that is a wonderful card to get. Enjoy your week.

I choose card 1

Congratulations, I wish you the best on you decision making. May it be your highest choice for advancement on your journey

10 of Water! That made me smile! I couldn't ask for more!

Woohoo for you..that is a great card so joyful and full of inspiration.

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