💖Tarot Tuesday 🌟Top of the Morning Tarot 🌟😍🌎🌙🏆💰

Today's picks are from My Herbal Deck by Michael Tierra and designed by Candice Canlin.

Today's three card pick represents 1: past 2: present 3: future

You can pick card 1, 2 or 3 or any combo....

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A picture of bashful Foxtrott to break up your picks

@kimmysomelove42 Foxtrott


Card 1: 9 of Wands: Bayberry Bark Myrica californicaet


Bayberry is an stringent, stimulant. It is used to promote circulation, used for colds, flus and a powder is used externally as a dentifrice for receding gums.

The young man dressed in the red frequency is holding wand in hand. Even though he is sitting he is looking to the horizon and is preparing for a stand off or he might be predicting what is to come. He could be retreating from a challenge, battle, conflict. This card drawn in the past position implies there has been something you have been anticipating, possibly to the point of anxiety or dread. Meaning, gather your tools, hold steadfast to your commitments and your battle shall be close to finished, hopefully won or many lessons learned.


Card 2: Six of Cups: Watermelon Citrullus vularis


Here is the present energies that shows the sweet and innocence of love. The young boy offers his new friend a sweet juicy piece watermelon. The cups are overflowing with scented purple flowers and the blue skies implies easy communication.

Watermelon is a wonderful diuretic, used to treat water retention and urinary disorders. Some of my favorite varieties are that of the yellow watermelon. You can sometimes find them at your local farmers market. A must try!

If you choose this card, it is a reminder of innocence and childish love. A potential temporary relationship/friendship might be lurking. Have fun and adventure, release your inner kid, go play and explore.


Card 3: 5 of Wands: Turmeric Curcuma longa


Turmeric is a carminative for circulatory problems caused by liver disorders. Great for a tonic for women to regulate menses. It is a stimulant, mild emmenagogue and digestant. I find it helps with calming inflammation in my body.

I attempt to put it on most meals with cayenne. There is a great hot drink made with coconut milk and turmeric to drink before bed in aid to deep rest. I think many people cook with turmeric, however, it get's very bitter when cooked.. I will actually eat it raw like a carrot, super sweet when bought fresh and it's amazing for achy bone/joints! Ask your local supermarket, even if they are a giant corp.. to get some if they don't carry it. It is a seasonal herb.

As the second Wand pull for the weekly spread, Wands represent Fire. Struggles that are inner and those between self and outer world. The picture shows many different people engaging together, perhaps as a team or a troupe. They are committed and determined to play again and again and are focused on a mission.

This card, representing the future energies, could apply to future projects, possible team sport competitions, investment projects, new company or biz adventures.. Have the confidence, on what your working on requires an empowered "team" attitudes and assistance. Encourage others around you to play their part in the whole group in a positive and uplifting way.


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(thanks @viking-ventures ! )

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