Tarot Tuesday - Unified Connection to Higher Realms

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

Welcome Friends

To another Tarot Tuesday.
In this reading I will give a forecast for potential energies for the next week (until the next Tarot Tuesday). My intention is to give the opportunity to connect in, to gain insight, and to bring our lives into the most expanded and connected place that we can currently inhabit.

You can take this as seriously or as lightly as you want to. This reading in no way detracts from your individual agency as a sovereign being. In fact it is my hope that through this energy and information you will come into a better place to take responsibility for your life, and to manifest beauty and truth.

The Cards

  • II - The High Priestess

  • Ace of Cups

  • VIII of Wands



Similar Blue tones in these cards as last week, but the feel is completely different. When I flipped these cards over I said "wow" and I had such a feeling of resonance. At a glance we can see that the center card is the Ace of Cups, which bring in the energy of unity consciousness. This is definitely about connecting to the invisible realm aka the spirit realm or energy.

II - The High Priestess - Keeper of Secrets, The Silent Knower, Simply Being

As an archetype the high priestess describes the capacity to not do. This is incredibly important in spiritual traditions such as Daoism and Zen Buddhism. This is also at the heart of self inquiry and meditation. Our expansion into the spiritual realms will only be as great as our ability to silence the body-mind otherwise known as the ego.

The High Priestess adopts the position of not doing and not assuming anything, and from this place the natural spiritual power flows through her. We see that she is sitting in front of a veil, this is literally the veil of perception and hints at what may be revealed to us if we can adopt the meditative attitude of simply being. At the high priestesses feet, and on her brow are thin moon slivers. In Hindu tradition this moon is usually wedged into Shiva's hair to symbolize mastery over the mind. In this instance we can see that mastery over the mind isn't intensely scrutinising and analysing everything, it is simply the ability to be quiet.

The scroll in the Priestesses hands, is the Tora (or Torah). I don't know much about the Torah specifically but I know what it represents here, which is knowledge of life and the secrets of the universe. She casually holds the scroll, and serves symbolically as a gate keeper or way shower. The high priestess as an entity will reveal these secrets to the human being only when they learn to become quiet and empty.

In effect this means dropping our egoic ambitions, and there will be immense resistance from the mind if this is a new practice. Mind sees only failure in death in stopping its frantic movement and need for control. True stillness and emptiness requires us to outlive the fluctations of our mind, to again inhabit a vast still place where many inexplicable things can happen quite naturally. This is the secret of all spiritual masters, they dwell in a kind of silence and have won their life back from the mental projections that we believe to be ourselves but really are just an illusion.


Ace of Cups - Love, Unity, Compassion

The Ace of Cups is such a huge energy emotionally, it exemplifies unconditional love and our capacity to radiate that into our life. Being an Ace card, this is a singular unified energy and this is a very important aspect. Unity means no separation, which means to see ourselves in all other things and beings. It means to not see other people as seperate and wrong, and to send compassionate energy to them regardless of how the ego justified their 'wrongness'. This is an incredibly high vibration, yet it almost doesn't seem to register for the mind because it is so simple and all pervading. Unity doesn't announce its self with importance and bravado, it simply is. Unity is normally announced in the heart space as a strong emotion, feeling grateful, feeling as peace, and simply enjoying life for no real reason.

If we look at cards one and two as a progression it's easy to see what the message is. If we want to emobdy the unity consciousness (and why wouldn't we? it feels amazing and it is literally our purpose on earth) then we need to remember the first and only step of becoming empty. We can hatch so many clever plans as to how we are going to get ahead and win the game, but we will never radiate peace and love without silencing the mind and learning to just be. It's in the quiet state of listening, when we have given up trying to win the game that something spontaneous and beautiful occurs. This is the flowering of the Ace of Cups.

The Lotus is the potential for everyone and everything to be an expression of that unity consciousness. In essense we already are that, it has simply become obscured by our intense identification with worldy things and the idea of who we are. The Dove is a messenger of peace and love, white stands for purity. Within this energy there is definite feeling of purity, because when we dwell here we know that no worldly experience has ever tarnished us. We know that our essential nature is pure and benevolent - it simply is.


VIII of Wands - Energy Conduit, Messages, Connecting to Higher Realms

The essential symbol of the eight of wands is fast moving 'potential energy'. These wands are in mid flight and the implication is that they are literally flying wands and very soon will land. All eight wands are aligned in a unified direction, and this comes back to the Ace of Cups. When we unify our lives and intentions then get ready for some messages to come through intuitively and spontaneously.

The eight wands are also grouped into two sets of four, so we can see that this energetic communication is not just a one way street. Sending and recieving happen in equal parts - life is a constant dialogue with both listening and speaking. The act of continually thinking and talking to ourselves equates to never making time to listen to our inner guidance and connect to the subtle realms.

I often imagine these strands as being the individual wires of a network cable or similar, and this is a very modern metaphor that I think a lot of people will understand. The capacity of the internet to join our lives in unimaginable ways has completely transformed our world and our lives. Now understand that as a human being you have an innate capacity to do something similar, which is to connect into a vast quantum computer which is actually the source of your energy. Being that we are so identified with our individual identity the vast source energy becomes delineated into pieces and parts which we call our higher self, our guides, and different energies and entities. This way we can still relate from our place of personhood.

The eight of wands is all about our capacity to connect in, and intuitively know things without doing the donkey work of figuring everything out mentally.



Over all this is an incredibly hopeful and positive message. This week look for the good in everything, especially in people and situations that you have a dislike or disdain for. Feel the unity energy, and how it smooths over everything in your life. The drama we simply imagined, it is a mental habit that has been developed over the course of our lives.

The energy is such this week that it is an excellent time to connect to the spirit world in whatever capacity you understand or can accept that. This could be simply meditation, walking in nature, doing medicine rituals, or magical ceremonies. In whatever way that is appropriate to you I see that this week is a good time to establish and maintain that connection. We are designed to continually be connected, and in fact this is a very enjoyable way to live our lives.


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In This Reading I Used the 'Morgan Greer' Tarot


Haha it's Tuesday in New Zealand 😉 Time is a funny thing

Well it is now! Lol...

Actually wow it really is Monday, I guess I really just wanted to do a tarot reading 😂

BLESS! I thought youd gone into an alternate reality!!!! Or I had. Sorry for being pedantic... I was just thrown!

You're actually right, I had been fasting and was operating on some other timeline.

Hahaha.. thats very cute.. 💛 Love and hugs to you my dear. Who cares what day it is anyway... xx

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