Tarot Tuesday weekly reading for August 13th 2019

in #tarottuesday5 years ago

It's Tarot Tuesday time again, everyone! Welcome to another one of my free weekly Tarot Tuesday card readings. I've been doing these for a few years now, and they are by far my most popular posts, as well as being one of my favorites to put together. Today, the reading is for the week of August 13th 2019.

If this is the first visit you've stumbled across one of my Tarot Tuesday posts - thanks muchly for dropping by! If you've been here before - thanks muchly for the return visit!

My readings are a tiny bit different than how some other people put theirs together on other social media platforms (although it's by no means original - I was actually inspired by a couple other WordPress bloggers) so here's a little explanation about how this whole thing works...

First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!

After you've decided on your card or cards, you scroll down the page for photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.

Oh, and don't be worried if you don't happen to see this on the exact day. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊

I would also like to point out (as I've been told it's a good idea to mention) -

Now, it's time to get started with your week of August 13th 2019 reading. Here is a photo of the backs of the cards for this week (yes, it's a new picture each week). Take a moment to focus, then look at the photo to decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. When you're ready, scroll down to the bottom of the post for your message.

August 13th 2019 Back

Next up, as a bit of insurance policy to make sure you don't see the picture of the front of the cards before you've made your choice, I'm putting a graphic here as a type of spacer/spoiler prevention. Since the full moon is coming up in a few days, I thought I'd share one of my ritual infographics.


Time now to reveal the front of the cards! Here's the picture...

August 13th 2019 Front

...and my interpretations/messages for each...

1. Ace of Wands

Opportunity awaits! Something has sparked for you, and now is the time to fan that tiny spark into a roaring fire. Keep in mind, if all you do is light a match, you’ll never create that bonfire. You also need to do the work to get those flames burning, instead of just imagining how warm it will be. The time for planning, prepping, and pondering is done – now it’s time to take that first, definitive step forward. You might even be heading in a new direction altogether from what you planned. Either way, it’s time to make your dreams a reality!

Tarot Tidbit: The last time we saw the Ace of Wands was well over a year ago, on June 26th, 2018, when it was in the third position.

2. Page of Cups

The Look of Love. I think of this as the Romeo card – time to fall in love, either with a person, a story idea, a creative project, or something of that sort. You may also be receiving a message of love from someone – maybe not as overt as flowers and chocolate, but something to show they care. It could be as simple as a bringing you a fresh cup of coffee, or sharing a Facebook meme, that shows they are thinking of you. Artistically, it's that moment of sudden inspiration, when you see your project in a new light, or a bizarre-yet-brilliant idea presents itself - go with it.

Tarot Tidbit: The last time we saw the Page of Cups was just this past spring, on May 7th, 2019, when it was also in the second position.

3. Ace of Swords

Time for challenges. You've had an "AHA!" moment. Now is the moment to pick up the sword, and cut the deadwood out of your life. It might not be easy to face the truth, but you're up for the task, and you know what needs to be done. As Buffy said to all the potential slayers, "So here's the part where you make a choice: What if you could have that power now? ...make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?"

Tarot Tidbit: The Ace of Swords was also seen this past spring, when it was in the second position on May 14th, 2019.

I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of August 13th 2019! Bright blessings to you!

Thanks for stopping by!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


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You're like the spark in my bonfire heart. That's a beautiful tune. I'll have to think about this, as I do feel pretty much trapped and unable to start any new ventures or take on any new passions. (Unless we count the three hours I've spent today trying to upload a video I took to Dtube)

Sounds like you too chose Door #3, Ace of Swords: Time for challenges. You've had an "AHA!" moment. Now is the moment to pick up the sword, and cut the deadwood out of your life. I hear that message every morning, every night. I somehow manage to ignore it every day!

Seems to me your life is full to the brim of good things, hardly deadwood. It can mean cut the deadwood out of your mind though. I'm reminded of how many times you allude to your dark side, then show us nothing but light.
I got #1, and I am having difficulty with it. I don't see it at all.

Why are people like you so few and far between? You're too nice to me! I mean well but all too often I fail to do well by others. Thoughtlessness, laziness, ignorance, who knows what all causes me to fail to do good. Deadwood of the mind - blockhead? - LOL! Maybe a sister jinxed me in childhood. Charlie Brown after all made Blockhead a popular term of endearment. (Or lack of endearment.)

Door #1 - Opportunity awaits! Something has sparked for you,

*and now is the time to fan that tiny spark into a roaring fire....You also need to do the work to get those flames burning, instead of just imagining how warm it will be. *
Well, it is just a Tarot card, not a blueprint for your life, not a burning bush like Moses being summoned by God. Read into it what you will. Does it relate to your writing fiction...? You can do it!! Even if it's by hand writing three pages on lined paper first thing every morning before you get out of bed. (Says the woman who never practices what she preaches.)

Girl, I have a severely disabled son whose care requires an awful lot from me and has me largely trapped in my home. That makes it sound pretty bleak, but it's got its blessings for sure. For one, I am very close to my brilliant adult son, who pushes me to think, reassess, find patience even in the bottom of the barrels, and appreciate the smaller, holier things in my life. But he does cramp my venturing forth especially ventures outside of the house. Steem certainly has afforded me the world just sitting here at my kitchen table .

I sing, I dance, I garden (used to - too afraid of the ticks this year!) I play the piano and I write, all right here at home. That one of these might be the source of a tiny spark I can fan into a fire seems like it might take all the fun out of it!

Writing fiction is great when it's a freewrite and a story just comes spurting out, but the couple of times I've deliberately set out to write a story have resulted in drivel. So disappointing! And stressful. I have enough stress.
You could be right though. of course
And the cards never lie. I'll have to think about this. Thanks for the encouragement.
you daf xo

I'm so sorry you're housebound for that reason--every mother wants her children to be healthy and happy--and not all moms can manage the above-and-beyond challenges the way you have. I'm in awe of the sacrifices of time, energy, resources, and freedom some parents are called to make when their children suffer mental or physical maladies. I hope you have friends and neighbors to help. The more isolated we are, the less help there is. Your capacity "to find patience even in the bottom of the barrels, and appreciate the smaller, holier things in my life" makes me think of a book I bought many years ago, Diapers, Pacifiers, and Other Holy Things by Lorraine M. Pintus. It inspired me to take up the habit of mediation or prayer ("God, if you're there, I'm here, listening--put me on auto-pilot, take command, make some decisions for me, put words in my mouth, lest I blow up or tell my toddlers I'm running away from home!" They never once threatened to do that, but I did, like, all the time: That's it! I'm running away now! You figure out how to carry on without me.)


Before having children I did not acknowledge my self-centeredness. After all, I did nice things for my husband, helped my co-workers with their struggles and volunteered at church. But any serving I did was because I chose to serve at a time that was convenient for me. When my children were born, my ability to choose died. I was thrust into the role of on-call servant, like it or not.
Much of the time, I didn’t. I stomped around the house, picked up toys, made beds, folded laundry, and growled at my husband and children, “What am I, your servant?”
They ignored my complaints. God didn’t.
Yes, Lorraine, He affirmed. You are their servant.
Great! I wanted a little sympathy, a little help, a little cooperation. Instead, I got conviction . . .

Wow, it's been years since I looked at this book. Decades, even.
The author interview is interesting and you don't have to believe in God to believe in something New Age or some transcendent Something that we need to believe is with us, giving us strength and willpower to go on. Me, no, I never seem to sense that presence, but I never stop hoping to.

What are people surprised to discover about you?
Lorraine Pintus:
That I used to twirl fire batons and that I’m pretty darn good at milking a cow.

How would you classify your writing style?

Honest (oh, I pray ALWAYS honest). Quirky. Deeply passionate. And prayerful. While my fingers fly across the keyboard, I pray that God will speak His Words through me and that His Holy Spirit will fill the white space between the words so that the reader will feel as if God is speaking through me to them.

What motivates you to write and speak?

It’s a compulsion. I identify with Jesus’ disciples in Acts 4:20, “For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” God has done so much in my life. He’s taken my poor choices, cleaned them up, and somehow turned them around to be used for His glory. Every day He cleans up the “stink” in my life and perfumes me with the fragrance of Christ. You’ve just GOT to be crazy about a God who does things like that! I feel compelled to open my mouth and to turn on my computer and tell others how great God is, to remind them that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM. Is that good news or what?

Me again:
I've met sooo many mothers who've said this. Mothers. Saints. Martyrs. Holocaust survivors. Prisoners on death row who were innocent. Cancer patients who couldn't have endured the pain and survived without God.

I'm told the only reason I haven't experienced *God this way is because I'm arrogant, I dare to question the ways of God, I'm "blocked," I am not open to receiving, yada yada.

So much for "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed" - but I digress.

My brain isn't wired for belief. Maybe it's my chakras that are blocked, not my humility. Me, lacking in humility: not because I imagine I'm great or skilled or smarter than others, but because I think "That doesn't make sense. It doesn't sound true." And I'm the heretic, the egotist, the fist-shaking servant of Lucifer, because theology requires me to accept a tenuous premise and circular reasoning and about as many excuses as a battered wife makes...

Sorry. I go now.

God has done so much in my life. He’s taken my poor choices, cleaned them up, and somehow turned them around to be used for His glory.
I'm not religious, I have faith the size of a mustard seed, but I love that statement. I like to think I do that for myself though. It can be done! I take my poor choices, clean them up and somehow turn them around to be used for my own, what? Not sure what that last word should be. Cogitating time.

It's funny because of course I went through the same life shift all mothers go through I would imagine - "I am now on call 24/7, could be needed at any moment, and can't count on a damn thing for myself". I got through all that, figured out how to cope with the demands and still have a life of my own outside of the house. As a damn teacher in my kids' school! Bad move. Learned a lot.
Now I have one who really can not do much of anything for himself, he can't ever get out of bed. Everything is done by yours truly. And you know what? As difficult as that is, I'm a fairly happy individual, happier than I was when I was a boss of many, making money, a good reputation (just came across my first mention in the NYTimes while sorting through a box of crap) and the world at my feet compared to now.
You are right that the more isolated we are, the less help there is. Doesn't help that I don't ask either. But when I do, no one hesitates, so there's that.
It's all good.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Sounds very helpful. Will do.

The book recommendation? It won't likely do much for you - you could write the book, and a better one at that. And what's this about your FIRST mention, not just A mention, in the NYTimes? Tell us more!
Here's a great opener to a story:

I was a boss of many, making money, with a good reputation, and the world at my feet. Until....

From infancy I was indoctrinated with "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble..." but now it seems Steemit is our refuge and strength!
You make a very compelling point: we tend not to ask for help. But if we ask for it, we usually receive it. Some people hit up others for help all the time. Routinely. "No man is an island," but a lot of mothers seem to be.
Wishing you many helping hands and an excess of energy, time, fortitude, and good cheer!

That is because you don't act but walk around in circles. The card says: nothing will change if you don't kick your ass and start (working for it).

There is a solution for everything. The solution is you (have to) change.


"you don't act but walk around in circles" - with fingers in my ears and blinders on my eyes!
It occurs to me that I need to steal your words, appropriate them, hand them over to Rory, so he can tell DeLorean to get her act together (in Mom's Cousin Lenna). You have handed me the card I needed to get back to those two! I can hear Rory say this to her: There is a solution for everything. The solution is you (have to) change.

Hurry back to your story and start writing! This is what writers do. Luck, luck and 💕 for you.

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Challenges, love and opportunity? Well good thing this is not just for entertainment! I am in for a wild end of the summer! ;)

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I went for number 1 today the ace of Wands and it did have a lot of relevance to me at the moment as always I did read the others out of curiousity and definitely I read moe relevance into the ace of Wands

2 and 3 today.... ❤️

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.


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Will love come to my door?? I don't think so, a project, yes, yes, thank you for your reading!

Today I don't feel like picking any cards no matter how long I stared at them. Gee...

But I love reading all the descriptions. Sending you love. ❤️

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

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