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RE: From cave paintings to 5G

in #technology5 years ago


I tried to give you a few points on how you can improve your posts, but you react as if you are something holy and no one has the right to make any comment that does not kiss your arse.

My comment was NOT negative, I spoke the truth in a way, I tried, that it can help you grow.

I now see it was no accident you are at Rep25 - you are at the level you deserve to be. You may be labelled as a 'scientist' and that you 'lead with strength and kindness' - but all I know is that as a communicator you are a failure - because of your ego.

Your opinion was written in your article?!!

What article? I saw no article on Steemit. Why should ANYONE leave Steemit, to go to a horrible site like linkedin to read something that may or may not be worth reading, if even YOU cannot be bothered to tempt your reader with a few hints of what can be read there.

I suppose that if you publish, your books will not have a few cooments on the covers to tempt your readers to buy it?

I've said enough, even now trying to help you understand - but the truth is, I hope I never hear from you or see a post of yours again.

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