Terminator – painful vision of James Cameron. People will be replaced in the future ? Autonomous accident

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Will robots replace human as the dominant species on Earth in the far future?

It is really hard question. Automation looks set to replace many jobs in the next few decades. What work will be left for humans to do?

Look at the uber and the autonomous vehicle . In the past 30 years , no one thought that car will be able drive without driver.
Now we see that is not that good like scientists talking , car did not make a good reaction and hit one person.

In my country everything comes late , and I know that I never will sit to autonomous vehicle . I am happy person when I am driving , I am relaxing in car . Many people have pleasure from a ride , tell me please scientists why you all want make from us - normal people , not useful stupid things ?

What will be next ? Chiefs will be replaced by robots and they will be making food to us from metal because they like it ? Maybe in the school will be robot teacher and they will have only one way of thinking - GOOD or No , teacher should help to students , but robots don't have feelings.

I know that full automation won't be exist during my life but I am worring about future generation.

James Cameron saw this in the 1984 and made movie Terminator , about machines who controled planet , and destroyed the most population of people . In 1984 it was only fantastic but know it is real, people should watch this movie and analyze , especially scientists and invetors to not make any bad decisions.
Scientists are the type of people who are happy when they make something great new , and working , but they don't think about effects in the future.

What do you think steemit people , automation is good or no ? and write why ?


Woff, woff!

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Woff, woff! 🐶


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