Silly Tricks, Kids Are For Rabbits?

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Sugar Smack Pie, and I Got Hair??

It just kept staring at me like it was gonna eat me or something. Then, I almost thought it was trying to hypnotize me with its beady glaring eyes and I thought about stabbing it in the pupil with a pencil before taking off running but - not sure I could be that cruel to a creature I never knew.

1) Gift of Love- and some shiny silver! 😉 - by @saffisara

If you didn't know, it's her birthday, and so I wanted to make sure at least one of her posts were in here. This same one made like 65 something on Weku, so go figure. Maybe there are more Star Wars fans over there? Maybe their resteems aren't hidden? Or maybe STEEM actually has a value bwahahahahahaha! We'll see how that goes, but do go by and wish her happy birthday, I'm sure she'll have a post about it soon and we can show her even more love. She's been loyal as one could ever ask for in an ally and family member.

2) Wednesday walk day! Challenge by @tattoodjay - by @beautifulbullies

Seems one of our newest members has stumbled across good ol' @tattoodjay's #wednesdaywalk challenge! I really like that one. Welcome to the fam by the way! You actually live in Sherwood Forest? Did you know I lived there for awhile? My throne was usurped while I was gone one time. I met this guy named 'Little John' (though he was like a Yeti), and Will Scarlet. All I had on was this hooded cloak and some rags because I had rolled down the hill after falling off my horse from being so tired after the long journey. He asked me what my name was, I said, "Batman." For some stupid reason, he kept calling my Robin, like a joke or something. Will was even more of a smartass and added 'Hood'. Little Vinnie is a cute name too hey ;)

3) EDC Love Featuring Scott from @xcountytravelers - by @thebugiq

Music star @thebugiq has been having some fun with STeeMPeePs out here recently. He's doing a series he calls 'EDC Love'. The people that agree to empty their pockets, show what they carry around every day (EDC = Every Day Carry) and snap a photograph for him, get an article written up about the various things in their pockets. Rumor has it, he is also looking for some ladies to do purse dumps, so if you so feel inclined, hit him up on discord! This one here he did, was from new fam X County, and my favorite thing to see there was the guitar pick tucked in the wallet. Interesting thing to have in there. Look forward to more Bug!

So There They Are!

All of you need to give yourselves a pat on the back! I do hope everyone has a FAMtastic day/morning/evening ahead of them. Swing by some of our other allies' posts and if you find some good ones, you have our expressed permission to drop their links in the comments down there below and if you haven't already, I ask now, that you give those ones up there above some love. Have a great weekend everyone, STeeM oN my peoples, and remember to BE YOU!

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A rising tide lifts all boats!
If one of us lifts up, we can all lift up!
We simply help each other. Like family.

~ @bluefinstudios ~


Thank you for the mention and for the Bday wish 💕🤗😘💕
I'm looking forward to spending time with my family today and my cute baby nephew 😊
As being loyal, so easy when I'm surrounded by so many amazing people ❤️
Thank you for everything... Much Love and butthugs 😘❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Awww... Cute kitten 😍😺 has the right idea... Chillin... Lol

Both Scott and I did the EDC for @thebugiq. It was pretty cool to do too. Ladies, it's not painful at all and once you are finished with the picture you can clean out you bag. I had forgotten how much was in mine!

I just love @thebugiq EDC posts!

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