Theater Night Out 11 : Agamemnon at Ancient Theater of Epidavros

in #theater6 years ago

It’s not every day that you visit Epidavros to watch a play of Greek Drama. It’s a special occasion.


It’s a special occasion because this Theater is quite far from Athens. A two-hour drive. Fortunately, for those of us that cannot drive there is a bus service.


And you get to stop at Corinth Canal.


The Theater lies at Southeast corner of a holy sanctuary dedicated to the ancient Healer God Asklipios and it is built on the slope of mountain Kynortios.


And it is a special occasion because it is considered the most perfect ancient Theater when it comes to acoustics and esthetics. And it is the best preserved.



Enter the Temple of Art !


It was built by architect Polyklitos and it’s maximum attendance is 13000-14000 people. These rocks stand here for thousands of years. Not in the best shape but they are same rocks that ancient people we sitting to watch the plays in their original forms. And this is fascinating to say the least.



While you wait get a selfie. It’s a special occasion.


And you could spot a celebrity if you’re lucky.


Lights are out. Chorus enters the stage. We are watching Agamemnon, a drama written by Aischylos.


It is the story of Agamemnon the Greek king that conquered Troy and now returns to his homeland.


His wife Klytaimnistra is waiting for him. She seems very happy to see him.


But in reality she plans to murder him with her lover Aigistos, because Agamemnon sacrificed their daughter Ifigeneia in order to win the war. Agamemnon survived 10 years of battles, only to die by the hand of a scorned woman in his own home.


And along with him died young Kassandra, a woman that Agamemnon brought from Troy as a trophy. She was given by Apollo the gift of prophesy, but because she didn’t want to become his wife she was cursed that no one would believe her prophesies.


Klytaimnistra tells the chorus that are 12 old people of Argos to bow down to her and her lover that It is now king. But those horrendous acts will be punished by the Gods and her son Orestis.


I had mixed feelings for this one. The translation was excellent , but I didn’t like acting. All of the actors are top class, especially Giannis Stankoglou that played Agamemnon, so I have to “blame” the director. There are many unnatural pauses that in my opinion ruined the atmosphere instead of taking to another level. As I was hearing discussions upon return the attendees were also divided. Some thought it was brilliant and some thought it plain bad acting.


Anyway, the whole trip to Epidavros was awesome and the experience was special. If you visit Greece I definitely recommend going to Epidavros. There also a museum. And watch a play even if you don’t know Greek. As you can see from the photos there are English subtitles.


That was from me.

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And until the next Theatre Night Out …
Be Healthy, Smile and Steem.



νομιζω οτι πρεπει να ηταν υπεροχο...τρομερη εμπειρια...θελω πραγματικα να παρακολουθησω μια παρασταση στην Επιδαυρο...

Με πρόλαβες.. Και εγώ θα ήθελα πολύ να πάω.

να πας . δεν ειναι δυσκολο. εχει και λεωφορεια με 10-15 ευρω.

Είμαι Θεσσαλονίκη οπότε λίγο δύσκολο.. Αλλά όταν κατέβω Αθήνα θα προσπαθήσω να πάω. Είναι εμπειρία.

Ναι , να πας τουλαχιστον μια φορα. Ειναι εμπειρια.

Μπράβο βρε Ηλία. Ωραία επιλογή για θέατρο και εκδρομή μαζί , έστω και αν στα χάλασε ο σκηνοθέτης.
Όσο για τον celebrity , προσωπικα δε θα τον χαρακτήριζα ως τέτοιο..

Νταξει , τι να κανεις ... Καλλιτεχνες ... Παντως ηταν πολυ καλυτερα απο την Αντιγονη που ειδα περσι και ημουν "σοβαρα τωρα ... " .

ΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ ! Είσαι ωραίος !
Την Καλημέρα μου !

Ναι ρε συ. Είχαν την αντιγονη να κανει κούνια μπελά . Ποσό προχω πχια ...
καλημέρα. :)

Αυτοί οι "αρχαίοι" απο εκει πάνω , δε θα ξέρουν κατα που να μουτζώσουν!

This is an amazing Theater, wow. I'm totally impressiv!

Well , it's Greek and I am obviously bieased, but it is a stunningly beautiful scenery . :)

Возможно, игра и может не соответствовать нашим требованиям, но самое место, где она проходила, было достойно нашего восхищения! Как вы говорите, «Храм искусства» очень впечатляет! Я уверена, что любой человек был бы счастлив побывать там!

I meant that I would be happy just to see these antiquities, to feel their energy! For me, in this place, the quality of the game is not so important as the theater itself, where the action took place. Here he impressed me!

It's so gorgeous, it's breath taking I hope you will invite me over soon. @iliasdiamantis. I wish to visit

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BTC 63642.15
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.87