
I don't worry about them, but I don't mind not having them either ;D

And i want to stay forever young.

I find that an average of 70 (i.e. if you are lucky) for a person is too short.
School, then work, then family and then you are pretty much done. You do not remember first ten years well and last ten too lol
Very efficient and sufficient for extension of species though.

70 is less than 30 years away from me and I assume that whatever tech there is for extension of life, isn't going to fix the damage already done. No point living a long life if it doesn't come with the ability to enjoy it. I see these people who are 110 or whatever and for the last 30 years they have just sat there doing not much. I don't even like sitting on a tropical beach for more than 20 minutes :)

I share the point of pointless existence. Purely theoretically damage to DNA can be undone and process reversed or significantly extended. 30 years from now is relatively a lot having in mind the acceleration of science and technologies. Just look where we were in 1990's... and it's picking up speed.

There is always a chance of accidental discovery too if enough people work on the issue. Just like with penicillin, almost accidental breakthrough and hundreds of millions lives saved.

And naturally things can go south in totally different direction, but this is the topic i like and keep researching it, love biochemistry it at least helped me to create an efficient recipe to help with my hangover.

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