in #thoughts5 years ago (edited)

A layman's perspective on the new proposals

So it seems there is a hardfork in the works and possibly a change in the reward ratio from 70:30 to 50:50. For someone who isn't smart and that doesn't understand code and the bogus concepts that are going to be introduced I'm scared.

When I think 50:50 the first thing that comes to mind is less for me and more for the curator. So in a typical situation where I earn $10 on a dtube video, with the current system $6 goes to me, $3 to the curators and $1 to dtube. Now with the proposed change $4 comes to me, $5 for the curators and $1 to dtube. That is too much if you ask me. I'm to greedy to want that.

But hey, curation gain increases for curators. Well, a 20% increase is insignificant to someone like me. Might be significant to someone with really large stake. So I'm guessing this will favour investors more. But hey! I can simply power up most of my earnings and build my stake? Not going to happen. I'm more of a content creator than an investor. And significantly reducing what I earn here won't help. It makes logically sense, the lesser people earn the lesser they save or investment. This is why most developing countries are stagnant because the gap between the rich and the poor is almost impossible to breach.

Why not buy steem?

I don't have the funds to do that.

Well tough luck.

Well not really. I can still very much pursue my selfish ambition by maximising my time and creative resource across different platforms. It is no news steem has many competition now. Now the bottom of the bottom, those who do not have to invest but keep this platform active will most likely do the same. So in my opinion what this might do is reduce actives on steem significantly.

I do get this 50:50 reward thing. It is not bad per se. The curators and content creators share the reward on each post equally. But the part of this improving content discovery is really not feasible.

Talking about content discovery. I don't think any of the said proposals will improve that. What I think steemit can do to improve that is investing most of their inactive stake on communities. Let it be their(the communities) task to do that. Communities in essence are the smallest and most fundamental unit of the steem ecosystem and if they operate well they can solve this said problem of poor content discovery.

So take for example, we have three core communities on the steem ecosystem. The bloggers communities, the photography communities, the tech communities. Each of these communities have sublets that's are interconnected. Now imagine these three communities getting 1m steem delegation from steemit to curate like what is been done for dapps like dtube. This will improve things significantly I believe.

What about the bad actors?

I think whatever change that is been proposed can be manipulated. This a stake based platform and those with large stake will always win. If not then there is no point of holding steem. Probably MEOS will solve this platform, which is one of the major selling point of the dapp.

I have a lot to say about but I have an article to write. I got a generous tip from someone to create a post on another platform (I think I am becoming famous there).

I'm not in support of the 50:50 reward ratio proposal but you know what? I would rather have them implement it so we can stop having this needless conversation that won't change anything in my opinion. Another reason why I think many are not on the same page is that we are all speaking different languages. I don't even have the patience to understand the things that are being discussed. Some are speaking code, others are speaking common sense. And although we might not all get along, I believe there should be an avenue where this is discussed. It's going to take more than just individual posts talking about these issues. So if you have a discord channel where this issues are discussed extensively I will like to partake in that discussion.



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I am split on this but will not make a push either way as we must all learn to adapt to changes. It will be interesting to see if this makes the impacts most hope for.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I feel the same way. They should just make this change and lets move onto something else. But it is quite funny that most of the people that have been moving for this move for the past two years have been shot posters. I don't want to mention names but it's just ironic to me. These people don't really care about steem.

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Delegating more to communities is definitely a good idea. This is the first time someone mentioned in this conversation.

It could be argued that higher curation rewards will motivate more manual curation. But who says that increased curation will be manual?

I don't know Mark honestly, I don't know anything anymore. Whatever changes they are planning on implementing should be done as soon as possible, so we can all adjust. Probably if life doesn't pressure me to sell all my stake, I can build something on here and have some form of impact. That's the whole point of building one's stake.

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I think it's much more feasible to make all these changes now than later when there will hopefully be more vested interests standing in their way. I think it was @theycallmedan who mentioned investing in some sports betting site that had loads of traffic until it hit some issue that hadn't been put right earlier and fizzled out.

I'm open to change. However, I don't think changing the reward ratio is priority now. I think a healthy distribution should be the major agenda and I think delegating to communities will solve that. When we are done with that then we can talk about a change in the reward ratio and tackling the bad actors, which is pretty ease. There are many groups saddled with this responsibility but they are usually biased and turn a blind eye but are quick to punish smaller account. The problem is not the economy, the problem is the people.

A better ecosystem is one everyone is comfortable doing what they love doing. A better ecosystem is one that is diverse. If I can earn as much as do for writing poem and short stories as those who make crappy dtube videos, I can actually contribute significantly to that sphere because it is what I love. But if I'm all over the place trying to make an extra buck here and there, chances are that I will not be indifferent about these other communities and dapps. If I love writing stories, I most definitely would love reading and commenting stories written by other story tellers because we have something in common. Build communities, solve steem's problem. Our major problem isn't the shitposts, nobody cares about those folks. Our major problem is distribution. If we fix that people are most likely to earn more andpower up, and be more committed to their groups and communities because that's how they will get rewarded. SMT hopes to solve this but I am not so sure it would.

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I am ready mentally to embrace this change. I will focus to curate more, power up and continue to produce my daily content.

Keep your energy level high. :)

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I treat everything with indifference now. I'm just doing my best and leaving the rest to those who want to handle it.
And probably if it doesn't work out I can point fingers and gloat. 😎

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Increasing curation rewards should increase the number of curators so that you could earn more money with 50% thab 75%. However, i dont think it is that important and i expect people still wont give a shit. Its still more profitable to self upvote.

I expect 50/50 will only increase the amount of curational trails and auto upvoting.

This is what happens when too many nerds and not enough normal human beings congregate. But i could be wrong.

The nerds always get their way, it is their blockchain. We not-so smart ordinary just need to follow sheepishly.

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You definitely brought up good points here that represent the view of a content creator.

On the other hand, some high-stake users are saying that they will curate more since it's almost as rewarding as selling their votes. I just don't know who can really commit but I'm positive that we will see some improvement to it.

I got a generous tip from someone to create a post on another platform (I think I am becoming famous there).

I believe your talking about Cent? As far as I know the "seeds" or rewards for a post is distributed to 25% for author while 75% for "seeders" (curators). How do you feel about it?

On the other hand, some high-stake users are saying that they will curate more since it's almost as rewarding as selling their votes

Why does it have to take a change that will profit them for them to act right? I really can't bank on that.

I believe your talking about Cent? As far as I know the "seeds" or rewards for a post is distributed to 25% for author while 75% for "seeders" (curators). How do you feel about it?

It's a different ball change. Yes the rewards are lower but I'm not investing in the platform like I am on steem by building stake. So I'm fine with whatever I get really. It's still a new project and I feel part of it in a way being an early adopter. However, the issue of content discovery still persist. People are naturally going to graduate to accounts that earn more with bounties.

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To me, in simpler form, they should provide a curation reward slider for content creators!

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