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RE: Rambles before head checks

in #thoughts5 years ago

I wonder if you create your titles first and then write a post the other way around? Do you create your post first in your head and then write or are you thinking it while you writing?

Posted using Partiko Android


Good questions and all I can say is, it depends :)

Sometimes I have a title I like and start writing but lose my way so, the title changes. Sometimes, I get an idea from an image and build the content around that. Sometimes I am part of a conversation and a passing word or two is the catalyst. Sometimes I sit in the car driving and thinking through ideas that interest me. I like titles that play on words though, many poorly :)

Nearly all the time though, I free write my thoughts and other than a glance over for obvious typos, click post. Many people think that this is cheating in some way or it lessons the quality of the post, I disagree. My Dad could sit for 200 hours painting a painting but, he didn't make a mistake along the way, the time taken was just the time it took to get the result - he knew what he was doing.

While not musical, in some way I see my writing a little like Jazz music, it is unrehearsed but it isn't unskilled and it has taken me a lifetime to get the knowledge, even though I have only been applying it in writing since joining Steem.

My dad and your dad might have had something in common too. He was a painter. I like the improv analogy with jazz and writing. I kind of improvise that way the organ too. Telling a story and watching it unfold in real time.

PS Your comment is fascinating enough to be a separate post...

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