Heart-Warming Actions Lead to Happiness Among Traveling Females 😉

in #travel5 years ago

I think that in a world that's blossoming full of pessimism and negativity especially concerning travel - it's crucial to triumph the good, beautiful and positive things to even the scales!


Question: With billions of events happening at any given time, do you think it's actually an appropriate representation of the world that we're shown through the media?

Last night, (yesterday was a few stories on it's own for the record) but for the purpose of this post, last night, late in a hipster paradise of skateboarders, surfers and yogi's combined together by the forces of drinking their faces off by the beach, I tagged along with my new friend to "the place to be on Wednesdays"... 1) I had just met her online which can always be interesting but forget that for a second and let me just focus on fully acknowledging that I'm not in any capacity, way, shape OR form, my old bar star self and I can't keep up with that kind of rodeo anymore.

That said, as I stood around lightly swaying from side to side to the overly loud music, being smothered in cigarette smoke (puke), unable to hear what anyone might try (if they were trying to talk to me) were saying... Looking around, there were women grinding on poles and dancing atop picnic tables, men so drunk they we're smashing bottles onto the ground and grunting like cavemen, screaming, shouting, shots being taken, rain falling and wildness abounding... It was not long before my brain just swarmed into escape mode. "GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!" It screamed! 😂

As I searched through the crowds, I found some willing Canadians to take care of my new friend (friends don't leave friends alone!) then when she was grooving with that group and happy as a pea I went off on my own to the street to try to find a way to get home (across the city). Problem was the cab drivers hike up the price x a million at night because they know women don't want to walk home alone and will pay it OR they just cancel your ride (on apps) and you're just kind of SOL standing on the street... Very common practice here, unfortunately! 🙄

So now for the good stuff! 😍 My friend second guessed herself and decided she wanted to leave with me after all and followed me out to the moonlit street. We both were standing there navigating the horrendous transportation system when two men approached us and asked us if we were OK to get home as we were passively walking down the street away from the bustle of the main drag... and towards utter darkness.

(Insert fear based nonsense via media exposure...)

We found out that by a fated stroke of luck, they were going to the same town she needed to go to via my house (score!) so after a quick threat scan, I cleared them and we got in the car with them. WE GOT INTO THE CAR WITH STRANGERS! Recounting this to my mother this morning had her freaking out at me, but hear me out.

After a polite, 1 am conversation in the back of a moving vehicle, the car stopped and they dropped me off at a close corner store to my house and went out of their way to make sure to drop my amiga off safe before going home themselves. ** Quick tip= if you have a personal address - not a hotel, never get dropped off at it! Get dropped off as close as you can safely!**

When I got out of the cab, they made sure that I had her number and that I would text her to make sure she got home and I felt genuine love in my heart for these chivalrous gentleman who showed us true kindness... They wanted nothing from me in return but to know I was safe. 🤩

Important Notes:

  • Neither of us were drunk (she had a couple but she was in control!)
  • Neither of us very ... Let's say unpracticed in these areas and had ample experience traveling

I feel we could confidently hold our own in this situation but it was really a good feeling in my heart to see kindness in action in a world where only the bad stories are aired because for a moment I thought, what if the worst should happen? and that thought just isn't fun for anyone!

We can't be too trusting out there in the great big world but we also can't be too scared! A finely tuned balance of understanding the situation, having control of your body and mind and having a buddy with you all are contributors to a safer travel experience. Trust your gut and don't feel you ever need to go or do anything and always ask for help if you need it!


I hate that so many people live in fear and trust me, I feel that fear as well sometimes (and sometimes for good reason to be fair) but I also love being surprised by the beauty and love in our world shown by our brothers and sisters out there.

Just thought I'd share that not all (would be heroes in disguise) are out to get us! Some are just playing their part to help us get by!

Love Cece 😘

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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion!

Here are some of my other musings:

Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!

Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
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Rewarding content we love, rewards us back and strengthens the community! Yay for curation rewards!


Inspiration for your heart!
Funny Memes & A Talk About Your Health!
My Words Define My World
Unexpected Advice That Changed My Life! I Hope It Will Change Yours Too!
Telling you the truth that no one else tells you!
Why You are the best You there is!

Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!

Secret Ingredient Carrot Cake Recipe
Epic Smothered Garlic Cheese Fries!
🥕Wait Don't Throw That Away! How To Make Veggie 'Neat Balls' and 'Burgers' From "Leftovers!"
DYI Fro-Yo!
Baked Herb Cashew Cheeze!
Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
Special Power Cake!
Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!

I can show you the world!

The Mysterious Fame of a Small Town!
Video!Drone footage of the Maldives!
Video! Drone footage= waterfalls!
Video! My favorite place in NZ
Exclusive Bali Beach Party!
Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali

Until next time!
Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

ah, how great! In essence, humans are good. I like to think that anyway. I would have been worried to get in a car with men I do not know, but the trust your gut always works for me.

The scene you describe in the bar, I can feel how OUT you felt, because I feel that too. It is so reassuring to know that there are other beings on the same planet as me.

Thank you x

Hope you've been having some fun travel adventures @heart-to-heart!

I think it is important that when we decide to show more of our personal life and conversations we can choose to make it intentional to make a valuable impact for someone to take home at the end of the day, be it good or bad, there is always something to learn.

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