Just Around the River Bend! (Sometimes the Best Places are Close to Home!)

in #travel5 years ago

Have you ever taken a place for granted because you live there? ✨

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👉Maybe you see it so often that you stop appreciating it...

👉Maybe you tell yourself that because it's so close you'll go another time...

👉Maybe the once special place lost your interest as you scoured the internet looking for places that you'd rather be...


Whilst there are many places that are unforgettably dazzling, and definitely worthy of a bucket list check mark (and some epic IG photos), let's not forget to appreciate what's around us and what we have right around our own corner or even in our own back yard! 🙏💚

For my whole life I wanted to...

👉Get out of my town, run away from what I knew and everything that was familiar!👣👣👣

I wanted to go explore the world and see everything else! I wanted to wander in newness and soak in the unknown!

I didn't care about what beautiful, incredible sights I had been fortunate enough to have around me as I grew up! I could only think of what would come NEXT!👣👣👣

Bucket list tick, tick, tick!

Last summer I flew home (to Canada) and basked in all of the little places that I now recognize to be just as special as all of the other places I had ticked off my lists, all over the world!

We have so much stimuli distracting us from being thankful for what we do have that it can be easy to forget as we fantasize about what's next! 💚💚💚

👉Take a minute today to think of a place near you that you're thankful to have!

👉Cherish that place and go back to it every time you feel like you want to escape!

Sometimes the most important places to see are right in front of us! 😍🧙

Love, Cece😘
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Matter of fact, I do know a couple of places....

There are a few places I get to every year, in their turn. Places that take my breath away every time I see them. I love seeing what's over the next hill, but there are places that I just sit and enjoy.

Thanks for some really special advice. And reminder that there is cool stuff right around the corner...

I feel like especially where you live and considering that you go out and enjoy it, you're living in a beautiful connection to this message! <3 I was away from home for so long that I forgot how lucky I always was to have such fantastic nature right in my back yard! Enjoy it this summer especially :)

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