The Wealth of Mother Nature

in #travel6 years ago

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Ban Sao Nak was built in 1895 by Mong Chan-ong, a descendant of the Chantharawirot family. It's the house of 116 teak wood pillars and a sign of wealth from another era. Lampang had a logging boom over 120 years ago and the modern day homes still are influenced by that era's artistry in both homes and temples.

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Today, the family has turned it into an antique museum displaying the home of their ancestors and the lavish lifestyle of the wealthy in Lampang the beginning of the 20th century.

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I'm always in awe from the first room where I always stop and admire a wonderful hand carved table with elephant heads on each corner.

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The house kept the same in term of rooms and the bedroom even had an antique television set. The house has an old creak to the floor as you walk room to room past multiple displays of antique artifacts.

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The hand-carved cabinets filled with brass and silver tableware and if one took the time to look at them in detail, they would definitely be impressed by the craftsmanship.

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The living room is my favorite because I could imagine myself reading books on the marvelous hand carved antique sofa, all day long. In those days, it must have been nice with no smartphone addictions.

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The collection of antique phonographs that decorate the living room are filled with history and gives the living room display a nice touch.

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We finished the tour checking out the teak pillars that support the house over bael tea. I always leave Ban Sao Nak hungry for more history because of the beautiful history that it holds.

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This is a well-preserved special house. Thanks for sharing. Love Thailand.

Glad you liked the post

Very beautiful and amazingly managed hotel .very thankful that you shared this post

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