The most dangerous adventure destinations in the world

in #travel6 years ago

Adventure is really fun, but the adventure risks that the owner should know and avoid to ensure safety and safety, and this is a list of the most important areas that you should be careful when visiting.

Road of Death, Bolivia :

This is one of the most dangerous roads in the world. The Bolivians call it the "road of death", a winding dirt road that runs along the Andes between La Paz and the tropical region of Yongsas frequented by passenger buses and cargo trucks. Every year there are many fatal accidents. However, tourists consider this "road of death" as a great bike ride for adventure.

The deadly route runs 38 miles from the administrative capital of Bolivia, La Paz, to the city of Coroico in the Amazon jungle. Every year, about 300 people are killed.



Bull Festival, Pamplona, ​​Spain :

The city of Pamplona, ​​northern Spain, is home to the Saint Fermen Festival, dedicated to the patron saint of the famous Bulls.

The festival attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city of 200,000 residents. The majority of foreign tourists come from Europe, Australia and the United States, where visitors to this small town in the northern part of Spain participate in the chaos that prevails when bulls are released in the narrow streets of this busy city.

The number of people killed since 1924 is estimated at 15, with thousands of injuries. Over the past two years there have been many bloody injuries, especially with many participants.


Grand Canyon :

The Grand Canyon or Great Groove is an extremely deep and wide groove, located in the northwestern part of Arizona, and crosses a number of states of America from the Rockies to the California coastline. It is considered one of the finest landscapes in the world. With a length of 349 kilometers. Its maximum depth is 1,740 meters.

653 people died in the valley as of 2012, the most common cause of death, according to data Ghiglieri, has been the various aircraft accidents, which numbered 65 and left 379 victims. But regardless of whether visitors desire to explore the stunning scenery of the air or on foot, it should always be always careful especially on your children.


Mount Everest, Nepal :

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the earth, rising to about 9 km above sea level. It is one of the mountains comprising the Himalayas, located on the border of Tibet, Nepal and northern India.

Because of a range of deadly threats, such as hypothermia, (loss of critical body functions due to lack of oxygen), illness or simply slipping and falling can meet Mount Everest climbers dead.

In a two-month period in 2012, 10 people died. Indigenous people in Nepal consider the Shomolongma or Everest Summit to be one of the peaks of the Himalayas, a sacred area. There are areas called the "death zone" where indigenous people lift up to 35 km of baggage, May have been subjected to severe injury or death sometimes.


Chernobyl, Ukraine :

Chernobyl is a Ukrainian city located in the north of Ukraine in the province of Kiev. The city saw the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 when an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, 122 kilometers from the city of Chernobyl, which was abandoned due to radiation contamination from the reactor explosion.

The disaster site has turned into a shrine that attracts tourists who want to take photographs of the site of the terrible incident.

Security measures are still very tight in the restricted area surrounding the reactor, and in order to enter it the group must be accompanied by a specific guide or guide by the government. For safety and safety precautions, one must follow the guide's instructions. In some places the radiation level is two to three times more than the normal range, but a few meters away, the radiation rate may be more than 1,000 times the normal rate. In this case, it is not advisable to touch the ground or the plants. Fortunately, most visitors bring with them gauges to measure radiation.




Hola amigo definitivamente concuerdo contigo, viajar es una aventura y como tal incluye riesgos, evidentemente hay destinos que exponen mucho más al turista que otros, como los que mencionas en tu post, pero también es cierto que la experiencia y la adrenalina que surgen por su visita, bien que valen la pena... Ahora bien y aprovechando que paso por acá quiero darte dos sugerencias, la primera es colocarle la fuente a las imágenes que uses y que no sean de tu propiedad, hacerlo es muy sencillo solo deberás usar el siguiente código, arriba o abajo de la imagen de referencia: [Fuente](Aquí colocar el link del sitio de donde tomaste la imagen).
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Espero que este pequeño aporte te sirva y si tienes dudas te invito a visitar los post de @lince donde podrás obtener informacion detallada al respecto o me puedes escribir que con gusto te apoyare. Saludos.☺

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