
Yes! Very off putting! I was picking on some bad vibes around the world! Some bad people are plotting something dark and they are so darn confident about their plans, flaunting by having some big feast or sacrificial rite. My sonar is going wild because of the solar flare!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

YEs the world is in a dark place but I am forever hopeful that that will turn we need more hope and love inthe world and less anger and hate

Thank you for keeping the shining light as a guide in the dark lane! We need more people with good vibes and compassionate heart.

Love heals all.
Love conquers all.


Posted using Partiko iOS

As hard as it is these days I try to stay positive

Yes! I know! Too many strong vibes everywhere. I have to remember to remind myself of how precious life is! So I should not waste time being negative and try to stay away from incurable negative people!

Take care.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It’s nit always easy but being around positivity does make one more positive 😎👍😎

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