The Need for Diverse Skills and Individual Resiliency: A Rant on Embracing the "Shift"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tribesteemup5 years ago (edited)

The shift.jpg


We live in an age of convenience, you are a push button away from having what you desire delivered directly to your doorstep.

What if all that went away?

I believe we rest upon a time where a great transition will occur. We may enter into a world of total abundance where the solutions for energy, food production, water scarcity, and affordable housing are scaled out at a rapid pace.

However..... that world is up to all of us to envision, and create. This is only possible by letting the current system fade out of existence.

How do we get there?

Buckminster fuller said a quote that always stuck with me: "Build the new systems that make the old one obsolete"

This is what must occur, people need to begin en masse, withdrawing from the system, and using alternatives. If every person took a week of unpaid work, and used that time to pull all their cash out of the bank. Take those funds to move into Gold/Silver/Cryptos, we could yank the power back from the International Banking Rulers of this world, and begin producing real value for each other.

Its happening already, people are withdrawing to join intentional communities. Beginning small farms, homesteads, and living off-grid.

I recently just met a gentleman that lives with his own energy system almost totally off-grid paying only $45/month in utilities.

This is the pursuit for those with eyes to see. If the power is cut, then the world can move in a new positive direction.

This will not be easy and it involves knowing many skills and being able to get to a point where you are producing enough for yourself and your community where you will not need to rely on the current systems.

Some basic skills would be farming, carpentry, plumbing, basic coding/programing, engine repair, sales, and electrical work. Parents should get your kids involved in learning a bit of each of these moving forward. Critical thinking, technically adept people, are not easy to manipulate and control. Ask yourself how can you create real value for people in your community?

Why are these skills not taught that much in schools? To keep you dependent and obedient to the control system.

I will begin hosting workshops to teach these skills and more in the near future.

Let's cause the "Shift", and do not fear, because if humanity pulls together to support each other through the rough patch. We will come out the other side as empowered, abundance generating individuals, ready to heal the planet, and begin a new journey beyond our planet.


Painting by Mear One

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Yours in liberty toward a brighter future, may the great creator bring peace and joy within your hearts, Greg @makinstuff



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