Lights, Camera - Action! The Trivium

in #trivium6 years ago

The Trivium Methodology of learning is a medieval system for processing information and producing results and is the basis for the seven liberal arts: Grammar, logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astrology and Music. In the past this methodology of thought process was intentionally hidden from the general public and was typically only taught to those of "noble" blood lineage and members of the societal "elite". The word Trivium comes from the Latin tri and via, meaning three roads or three paths.

The common understanding today of The Trivium is a quite literal one, which we will briefly touch on next. The main focus of this post will be on the occulted (hidden) side of The Trivium Process.

Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric

The Trivium consists of three subjects; Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric, which are currently taught in Universities as the literals; reading & writing, thinking & analyzing and communicating effectively (In Latin, the word rhetoric was specifically related to the art of public speaking). As with most occulted knowledge we are only presented with a simplified version of this process which holds much less power than the true philosophy behind The Trivium.

Even in the literal sense, as discussed above, the foundation of The Trivium is Truth. If we can refer to the diagram above we can get a better understanding of The Trivium Philosophy. Est, in Latin, means is, Non Est means is not. In my opinion this illustration is an excellent map to the over-arching concept of the goal you are attempting to achieve with the assistance of The Trivium.

Through the taking in of Truth, understanding of Truth and communication of Truth we increase our consciousness (awareness of reality), which in turn improves our ability to recognize and align with Truth, which in turn increases consciousness! This is a blueprint for mental growth and progress! I have my doubts that this basic fact is understood by the majority of graduates holding a university degree in rhetoric.

Level Up

Let's take this to the next level. The side of The Trivium even less discussed is how The Trivium applies to action in the real world. Although the three pillars of The Trivium are Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric, these are not the only concepts related to any of the pillars so named. Just as the element of Air has many traits and qualities, anthropomorphic and otherwise, so do the pillars of The Trivium contain and represent many different traits and concepts.

Mark Passio has done an excellent job updating the terminology associated with The Trivium as well as exposing some of the hidden concepts meant to be understood through the practicing of The Trivium Methodology. As Mark likes to put it, think of The Trivium as In-put, Processing and Out-put or, Information, Processing (thinking, critically analyzing) and ACTION! This is one of the biggest follies of the so called "Truth Movement". Alright, we've got all this information and we know about the lies... What are we going to DO about it!? Instead of arguing about who's at the top of the pyramid remember that we are all at the bottom, regardless of your financial or community position. We need REAL ACTION!

To this day this thinking modality is hidden from the public, and even more, we are taught not to use The Trivium. How are we taught to think in school? We are given the first part of The Trivium, Grammar, and are then taught to memorize and regurgitate.

Please excuse my crude edit of the image above. To the right is the version of the trivium which we are taught to utilize in our day-to-day thinking patterns. This "trivium" is based in subjective authority rather than objective Truth. You will notice that Logic is replaced with Memorizing and Regurgitation and Submission is imposed over Rhetoric/Action. With the absence of the foundation of Truth and removal of Logic the "NON" is removed from the pathways between the different aspects of this trivium as in a state of memorizing without question all three of the pillars do become one and the same thing. This inevitably results in a decrease in consciousness (awareness of reality) and a programmable slave-like mentality. This is the process through which a free spirited child is turned into an excellent employee and law-abiding citizen. You know, the type of employee who shows up every day and doesn't ask too many questions. The type of citizen who will follow any legislation without contemplation.

Real Action!

What's required now in the world is real action which effects positive change in the real world. Here are some examples of what does not effect positive change;

  • Protesting
  • Appealing to Government or "Authority"
  • Focusing continually on things you know to be false (mainstream media etc.)
    If it's being used to distract, and you spend the majority of your time exposing the lies, are you not distracted as well? what is your valuable time/life energy being spent on?
  • Joining corrupted agencies to influence change from the inside out (this only condones them)
  • Doing the same things we have always done

Here are a few examples of what does effect positive change in the world around us;

  • Educating ourselves with a desire for Truth & Knowledge
  • Eating healthy foods and exercising
  • Spending our attention wisely
  • Speaking out for Truth & Freedom
  • Home schooling your children
  • Not financially backing corrupt organizations or entities
    This may include finding a new way to provide for yourself and/or family if you are in an immoral role of employment or if the company/entity you work for has any questionable agendas or procedures. I had to face this shadow. After facing and turning away from it I am left with infinite possibility in place of compromising myself for a "job".
  • Not complying with injustice and tyranny
  • Stop lying to ourselves

So just a re-cap: The Trivium is the process of using Truth and Intelligence to produce right ACTION! We have been mentally programmed not to be able to use The Trivium. Even after attaining this knowledge reprogramming yourself will take substantial effort backed by desire to succeed. Lack of taking action is the most over looked behavioral trait in those who are less likely to succeed. The basis for any success template is TAKING ACTION! No matter the goal, the trivium is essential in it's achievement!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! As always, I hope you will be able to take away some information which will effect your life and community around you in a positive way. If you valued this post please upvote, re-steem or consider donating steem power to help spread information in support of freedom! For more freedom, health and a few cannabis related posts please check out my blog @jayanarchon.

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Peace Everyone

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