My Thesis - Writer's Block Poetry Contest Week 4

How can one simply state the contents
Of a mind full of dreams - to express
That which is both known and unseen.
If only I could make manifest
The radiance, but sometimes…

Will my brilliance never shine or
Am I simply artificial light - the hope
Of what is known and unseen.
If only I could find freedom from
The counterfeit, but sometimes…

Who will pardon my words when
The judge is their captor - condemned
To never be known or heard.
If only I could end this cycle
Of tragedy, but sometimes…

A scream is better than a thesis


Great first line question. I ask myself that all of the time.

Thank you. The contest was based on a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote; so, the last line of the poem is actually another Emerson quote - one of my personal favorites.

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