in #uganda6 years ago

As I arrived yesterday at the campus for my lectures,
With enthusiasm, vigour, joy.
I felt my country at heart

Joy filled my heart when I saw the young energetic choir brigade strum, blow, trumpets so loudly.
This reminded of the secondary school I was when we sang songs that brought freedom to this country.
Oooh it drew me back to reminisce our old days when we sang amba motto/emotto niwaaka For this significantly showed the success that NRA had brought to this mighty nation

This freedom was a sign of philanthropy to mankind
Now I matched majestically to one tend where old men sat(wazeyi).
It was a long time ago since I last met with these great heroes that fought together with me.

As I took my seat I realised my efforts rendered to this nation's success,

  • Jabulani!Jabulani!*
    I sing this Zulu line to signify freedom to my country this day.
    I was overwhelmed yesterday when the President of Uganda called our group discussion for those chosen few comrades to be awarded accolades.
    So small it was, I still felt the impact I caused to Uganda.
    Indeed we are heroes for we fought till zero when the evil one claimed our country in its dirty hands.
    Long live my country Uganda

The pearl of Africa.

I bring this message to you to be proud of your country and as well be confident to the home country you come from me and other Ugandans we are proud to join this diverse community where blacks and whites write content and share within our selves. please feel free to up vote for what inspires you



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this was a sort of a recup and next time i will do better but i think this was nice to you

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