in #ulog6 years ago


"You can convert your time into wisdom and skill and that skill will bring you money" - Dr. Sam Adeyemi

Spending time and actually investing time are two different things. Most times, people are confused when there is a discussion on time spending and time investment.

What is the difference between Spending Time and Investing Time?
SPENDING TIME: When you spend time, you are just exhausting it or using it on something or activities that necessarily won't give you a return.
INVESTING TIME: It means you are expending resources on things that you expect would give you good return on investment (ROI). Investing in time means engaging in activities that can bring you rewards.

Time is a very valuable resource and should be invested on things that will yield something tangible, not just to be wasted on frivolous things.


  1. Set Goals: It is important to know what you want to achieve with your time. Design the type of reward you want from investing your time. If you fail to understand what is most important to you, you won't be able to decide what would be your best investment of time.
  2. Set Priorities: Most people know setting priorities is important in success, but only few can say they regularly invest their time to align with those priorities. To set priorities, it is important to;
    Write down what is most important
    Rank them according to their importance
    Make priorities action based
    Action based priorities are the most critical in time investment. Making priorities action based means translating your priorities into things you can do. You define clearly what it means to invest your time and make it valuable.
  3. Monitor Yourself: Once you have turned your priorities into actions, it is paramount you keep monitoring yourself. People neglect their priorities because they easily forget or think they are still honouring the priorities when really they are not. You should be able to clearly say if you are taking the right steps to making your priorities a priority or not. If you can't say, then you will have to reevaluate the priorities if they are achievable or not.

Time itself is very valuable and until you understand that, you will not invest in it.

Here are some things you will enjoy when you invest your time wisely

  1. Happy memories
  2. Financial freedom and security
  3. Happy family
  4. Achievements you will be proud of
  5. Good health

Invest wisely in your time, a good return on investment (ROI) lies ahead.

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