Some Days Are Like That... (Ulog No. 29)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ulog5 years ago

I really had lots of good intentions when this day started...

I intended to mow the lawn, which is already getting quite "woolly," but a fine misty drizzle started in early, so that was the end of that.

So then I was going to work on putting things on eBay, but instead ended up taking Mrs. Denmarkguy to a doctor's appointment in a nearby community because we don't have that kind of specialist here in our town.

These delicate pink wild roses grow along the road where I walk to work, so sharing a few shots here to illustrate this post

It was supposed to be a quick visit, sandwiched between 45-minute drives, but it wasn't. I don't know how it works, exactly, but doctors' offices are never on time... so we ended up going for lunch in the gap between appointment number one, and the doctor from appointment number one wanting to get some films from office number two... which required paperwork to travel approximately 100 feet, which evidently took 90 minutes.

Final outcome: A really excellent brisket and bacon sandwich and a verdict of "nothing is wrong," which Mrs. Denmarkguy already knew, be she'd agreed to see the specialist because... well, to make our primary care physician happy. Long story.

So, home again, jiggety-jig...


There's something about having any appointment to do anything in the middle of the day that screws up the entire day, somehow... even though the entire time "loss" is actually no more than four hours.

There isn't enough time before you leave to do much of anything, and by the time you're done with your doings, it seems "too late" to really get into much of any consequence.

Most people in my life have never been able to figure out why I am willing to take the "milk run" appointments at 7:00am, much to my inconvenience... but it's really simple: I just want to get the hassles the f*ck out of the way so I can go about the business of not actually pissing the entire day away due to a single 30-minute long appointment.

It's not rocket science...

A bee, quite drunk with the scent...

In the end, the afternoon went with "preparations" towards changing life... only 1 1/2 months till we close our store downtown, which means I have to be ready to hit the ground running with the next phase of our lives. So I spent the day endlessly dusting off and waking up old social media accounts and blogs for several "dormant" projects...

Didn't really feel like I accomplished all that much because most of the work was "invisible." Ever have one of those days? Seems like you busted your butt all day... but you have nothing to show for it... except for the fact that you created a whole bunch of "infrastructure" for more visible projects to run on?

Yeah. Today was one of those days.

It's funny, I used to do this kind of stuff all the time, but I am clearly out of practice because it seemed like a lot of work. But it got done... Facebook page, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Patreon account set up, blog polished up... virtual "dust" removed.

Meanwhile Bitcoin continues to hang on to something in the vicinity of $8,000 which is pretty stunning... I guess those of use who've been holding on through $3,300 BTC are trying to breathe again... perhaps hoping it's not all an illusion that will shatter in a week.

Breathe in, breathe out...

And a super close-up to finish off...

One of the things I like about the whole "Ulog" thing is that you can go pretty much flow-of-consciousness like I've done here. This post isn't really about anything, and sometimes that's OK... having an occasional "braindump" is pretty therapeutic.

Whether you believe in the whole "quality content" thing, or not, we all need to remember that these are our blogs... you are not writing for the New York Times here. Even in the "Golden Age" of Social Blogging (1999-2005), we tossed a few shitposts out there at the end of trying days.

And so, without further ado, I am going to send this off to the "publisher," unencumbered by edits and rewrites...

Have a great day, and thanks for reading... if you actually did!

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Created at 190515 01:26 PST



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Sometimes is when you think is going to take the less time that is taking you a whole day.

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