The unknown history about Moors

in #ulog5 years ago (edited)

It is from an artical on eating by a famous Chinese female writer who married an American that I heard of the name of Moors at the first time. She wrote that Spain was once conquered by Moors, and Maxico was conquered by Spain later, so the food in Spain and Maxico is usually spicy /hot. I don't know if it is true.

(All my dear Steemit readers, if you happen to know about the diet custom in Spain and Maxico, please leave a comment! Thank you.)


At this moment, I especially miss my dear American husband/teacher. The favorite topic for us is about history and culture from different countries. We are both curious and interested in different cultures and exotic experiences. Pitifully it has been nearly 4 years since he passed away suddenly in China, he couldn't help me any more... Otherwise I would ask him about such kind of thing. God knows he was such a lovely and knowledgeable scholar! According to the author, since the ancestors of Moors lived in Africa, the hot climate led them to preserve food with a variety of spices and chili, so penchant for spicy food should be "an educated taste"!

I dream of him last night, when I woke up, my eyes welled up with tears... Oh, I miss him crazily, endless love ...An enormous loss and regret! I will cherish the memory of him in the rest of my life...

Being an American, he lived and worked in China for only 15 months. Who knows China is just the place where his life came to an end all of sudden? However, it is deeply grieved and outraged that his death in China was just like a bubble in the air, without any trace. Because those bloody wealthy/powerful but mercenary/sinister people tried to ignore/erase his outstanding contributions to Chinese students learning English and our sacred international marriage like the history about Moors was expunged by Spanish rulers on purpose...

All in all, welcome to read this great blog about Moors: History: How African Muslims "Civilized Spain"...

Below is my Chinese translation of it.







知名历史学家Cheikh Diop解释了在中世纪时,世界上伟大的帝国是黑人(建立的)帝国,世界的文化和教育中心大部分在非洲。此外,在那段时期,欧洲人被认为是无法纪的野蛮人。



一位著名的英国历史学家Basil Davidson指出,在8世纪时,没有一个“比占据(构成)西班牙的富庶非洲文明地更让它的邻居们艳羡,居住更舒适的”土地了。


在穆斯林西班牙时期,教育是普遍的,而(反观当时的)基督教欧洲时期,99%的人口是文盲,甚至国王都既不能读也不能写。摩尔人拥有前现代社会所没有的高识字率。在同一时期,欧洲仅仅有两所大学,而摩尔人有17所。在参观了西班牙的大学后,牛津大学创办人才被激发创立该大学。根据联合国教育机构(统计),世界上运行至今最古老的大学是摩洛哥的Al-Karaouine大学,成立于公元859年摩尔帝国最兴盛时期,校长是一名叫Fatima al-Fihri的黑人女性。




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