Ulog #4 : The Continuation of Overhaul (Removing The Cylinder Head)

in #ulog6 years ago

A pleasant day to all of you steemians! I'm so happy that I've already reached a 4th entry in Ulog and I'm so very thankful to @surpassinggoogle, the man behind the success of the teardrop project, and also to @steemgigs. You really inspire us of your successful life sir. So I will start now.

This day is my 21st day in OJT and I only have 9 days to go before I end this training and this day is the continuation of overhaul. Then this time we will try to help the apprentice in their task.

The parts to be removed by this day is the cylinder head. The 6 cylinder need to be removed from the 1st to 6th then the 6 piston ring of the piston is need to remove which is the 4 compression spring, the oil spare ring and the last is the oil spring because this 6 spring can't handle a more pressure and if it still use for more years maybe the four stroke cycle will not perform well. So this is now the look of engine before we removed the cylinder head.

As you can see in the picture the number two cylinder head is lift by the chain block and the first cylinder is already removed because we the four ojt's who performed the removing of the first cylinder. We put a hook in the two corners of the cylinder head and we used a canvas belt to connect to the hook of chain block. Then we slowly and carefully pull the chain so that it will be safely lift and after it reached the level of the ground of where we are stepping here we will stop to pull and push it to right side and we put it on the ground and removed the hooks then put again the hooks to the next cylinder until it will reached to the number 6 cylinder head. But I didn't asked any worker here to capture us a picture because I see that they are busy.

This is now the look of the engine after removing the cylinder head and now it's time to do the main task on why they overhaul the engine which is removing the piston spring and replace it a new. In able to remove the spring, the piston needed to lift up and block the lower part of the piston by a thick wood.

This is where we put the cylinder head and that wood you see in the picture that is the wood used to block the lower part of piston. The cylinder head are arranged by the numbering and also the valves because the number 3 cylinder head is only in number 3 and it must not interchange.

The piston needs to lift up, so to be able to this the crankshaft needs to rotate also. That is where the crankshaft located beside the engine block. The piston has a cycle of flow but not by numbering and the first piston that will do the first stroke to last stroke which is the power stroke is the number 1 piston, number 5, 3, 6,2 and the last is number 4.

This the look of the piston now after lifting it using the chain block. Then we help to remove the 6 springs of every piston and we used a thin cloth and roll it then hook the two ends of the springs. And that's how it goes my day in my 21st day of OJT.

I hope you enjoy reading Ulog entry for this day and I'll be posting soon my another entry of Ulog that I will assure you that you will learn something. Then I'll hope you will support my poetry that I will be posting soon. Thank you so much steemians and thank you so much @surpassinggoogle.

Thanks and Godbless


asa ka nga university ? @jumargachomiano?

University of Cebu

ahh okay 😊

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