
Awesome, glad to hear you win. It must be hard having your partner halfway across the world, that would suck, but love is love and love is a strange and it it isn't bound by time or space. But I can somewhat relate, I work in Telecommunications for Verizon, installing phone equipment so people can use there phones, (your welcome world) but my job requires me to travel across the country, I live in USA be the way. I'll be in one city for a couple of weeks and then I'll leave for another city for a couple of weeks, resulting me being gone from the family up to month or three months at a time, living in hotels. I live in the state of Kentucky, and from a shit plate town in middle of nowhere, so there isn't many jobs, so I got to what I got to do, to support the young ones. It pays good, no one is wanting for anything that's a fact. But every time I come home, having to leave again is so fucking hard. I just want to stay home! But life is life, and life is... um... I don't know... Life I guess. But anyway I hope everything works out.
And I have a feeling I'll be seeing your name on many books to come. Your skill is there, it is just a matter of time. Good Luck!

Love is love and life is life; it is what it is. :)

My partner was from Los Angeles and struggling sosososo horribly, barely surviving in that city, and is now in South Carolina and still struggling, but less than before. It boggles me how America places so little care for manual labour. They're our higher-paying jobs yet the US considers them unworthy.

That's a rant for another day ;) I try my best not to rant.

But he comes back home every three months. This time will be four months. We'll be filling out the visa paperwork and paying a fortune for it and then will need to wait an age for it to be approved. Long gone are the days you can just "get married, move into the country". I wish we were still in the 90's. But the hardest part is over - gathering the funds required.

I feel for you!! It is so very hard and painful. Especially when young ones are involved too.

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