in #ulog6 years ago



I was back to my enrolment duty today after my two days staycation (a short vacation spent nearby or within the city) at a hotel at the city. It was a full two days with both information intake and food intake.

The past two days was packed with sumptuous food from lunch to snacks in between dinner. It was very delicious but not totally healthy though. So as I go back to school today I decided to detoxify a bit on my own way. Take a look of what I had for today as I journey to detoxifying myself from all the unhealthy cravings I had.

  • Instead of taking in plain iced cold water, I opted for the lemon water with slices of ginger. It is a fact that both are a very good on detoxification.

Lemon is a very food on thining out fat. It is also a good source of vitamin C which is needed with our ever changing weather condition here in Cebu. Click here for more…

Ginger on the other hand is a root that is very good in assisting digestive system to work well. Click here for more…

  • I had my ginger base candy rather than the usual sweet candies. Again there is ginger as the main ingredient of my candy. I can only buy this kind of candy at a pharmacy inside a mall. The candy had really pure cuts of ginger on it and you can really taste the ginger as you slowly bites into it. It is by the way a soft candy and chewy.

  • I then ate a healthy pesto cheese pandesal from a local bakery. Pesto is sauce like that is made of different herbs and spices and smelled heavenly good. This kind of bread is a personal favorite of me and my daughter. Herbs in disguise as bread sauce is a very good trick for younger generation to appreciate good and healthy food and eventually eat one. Me and my daughter can two a piece in one setting, that how we love this kind of bread.


I had boiled egg for my breakfast and at lunch eaten together with string beans in soy sauce. Tonight before I go to sleep I am going to take two cloves of freshly minced garlic.


Why I ate this kind of food? Simple. I came from a family with high blood and diabetes blood line. It means then that I am very easy and fast to acquire such illness. So to take good care of my body I ate food that is good for my total health concern.

I got admitted last year due to high fever which was an infection due to my sore throat. To the amazement of the nurses who had taken care of me, my blood pressure was normal at 120/80 and that my blood sugar level is only at 144mg/dL. You would see them smile at you when they check each of it because I know they are happy to know I am big but I am healthy in a way. How did I do that? Again, simple. Read on….

  • I take garlic about 2 small cloves about two – three times a week before I go sleep. I take it with hot water.

    Image Source

  • Our rice at the house is ground corn grits and not the white rice. We sometimes mix the ground corn grits with red or brown rice. We had been doing that for about 3 years now.

    Image Source

  • I take lemon water (as shown above) 2 times in a week or more depending on my mood of creating one :)

  • I eat what I want to eat but in moderation. If possible if I will have meat its not everyday. I am more into fish and green leafy vegetables.

  • If possible I don’t eat anything beyond the 7:00pm mark.

  • I train myself to say no if I think my sugar intake is way beyond my normal intake in a weeks time.

So there you go, that is how I maintain my health because I want to let everyone know being fat doesn’t mean you are unhealthy. What makes you unhealthy is actually the lack of discipline and dedication to really look after yourself. After all it is us who picks the food we put into our mouth every single day :)

Self discipline, dedication and love of self is the key factor to staying healthy not just sexy :)



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