#ulog 036 Working on my son's first school project

in #ulog6 years ago

Not all school project a student can do it all by themselves, sometimes they need assistance in making one and there where also time the parents or guardians will do it for their kids. It is one way and one of the best thing you can do to your child showing them your support and love and specifically projects beyond their ability.


Today I've been working for my son's school project. They were told to bring plants to school by monday and they require veggies plant in observing the nutrition months theme regarding right nutrition and planting healthy veggies. Plants like onions, ginger, tomato, moringa, Malabar spinach, eggplant, okra and chilli will do. Since we have tomato seedlings we decided to transfer two of them for my son's project.
group of seedlings where we get the seedlings planted for my son's project

made it to transfer our ginger to a bigger container this afternoon

adding soils to our Malabar spinach

planting lemon grass, adding to our green healthy plants at home.

While planting tomato for my son's project I was like being magnet to do planting, checking our plants, watering them and adding lemon grass on our little garden. My son's project make me busy with our little garden and pulling weeds. I hope that the seedlings we planted for my son's project will grow strong and lively for us to bring it to by Monday. Thanks God for this wonderful day.


This is for my busy #ulog afternoon Thursday plus pulling weeds. Thanks for dropping by and hope you'll appreciate this simple story of me. Share your story via #ulog and also you can join @surpassinggoogle first #ulog contest @dlive.
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