The secret to my success: My Wife

in #ungrip5 years ago (edited)

While it may seem like my blog is about my work, in reality, the driving force behind it all is my beautiful wife.  When ever anybody asks me how I got onto this path, I always joke around by blaming her.  But in reality, my wife saved me by pushing me to grow past the colonial mindset and really start to explore my relationship with myself, Creator and others.  

This all happened after my years of mental illness, three year being separated from her which was followed by months and months of reconciliation in 2002.  When we got back together again, that is when Spirit really moved through her to learn alternative healing modalities and challenge all levels of relationships.  That drove her being taught about the truth of our relationship with the state, which she then shared with me.  

To be honest, I was only a few years past my recovery and learning stuff like that was a huge issue for me.  I was angry for months as I could not believe the government would do stuff like that.  I struggled learning about how abusive and violent my relationship was with the Government of Canada and the Province of Alberta.  I just completed a deep and profound shift in my life as I was abusive and had to learn how to be peaceful, respectful and empathetic in my relationships.  My wife taught me a lot now that I was on the other side of that relationship.  My dedication to healing meant that my relationship with the state had to change as well.  To protect her, I felt it was my duty to test these ideas out.  

With her help, support, encouragement and guidance, I managed to get through the gambit and that is when our lives changed forever.  She started practicing her healing craft and dove head first into wanting to be in service to others.  Over the past 15+ years she has become an amazing and outstanding healer.  Her spiritual talent to heal meant that she opened herself up to learning all she could.  Ever since we moved off grid, she has dedicated herself to learning the natural medicines and food that we find right here on the land we steward.

Her books are dog tagged and littered with little post-it notes as she references those books on a daily basis.  She knows more about the plants that grow around here than most people.  Her apothecary is taking shape and now I have to build her a bigger one as she out grew the last one I built.  

When my body started to deteriorate last year due to cancer, she is the one that took the lead to build the protocol that has resulted in my amazing transformation.  She reached out to our dear friends in Ontario as he is a nutritionist who helped us out through the process.  

I'm dedicated to completing the protocol as I recognize and acknowledge that it saved my life.  I've done the same when I went through my own homeopathic protocol years ago and even through my martial arts training and recovery from depression protocols.  This type of healing is nothing like the allopathic medical system.  People just want to take a pill and be healed.  Life does not work that way.  When we work on holistic healing, it requires work, dedication, patience, commitment and time.  I cannot count how many people started the journey but then quit.  Working with my wife requires a special commitment as she makes people work.  

I've witnessed miracles with her healing.  She treated a friend of ours for cataracts.  The story is rather funny as he tells it.  He said he went to see a specialist and they took photos of his eyes to document the cataracts.  Their recommendation to him was to go for surgery as there was no other way of dealing with them.  They booked the surgery but then he contacted my wife to see if there was anything she could do.  She sent him a remedy.  When he went for surgery, the pre-operation exam required they take updated pictures.  The cataracts were gone.  The doctor got really mad at him, accused him of lying and said that the previous pictures were from another patient. He did not have the surgery and he laughs at the doctors because of how blind they are.  

Carey's practice is littered with stories like this.  Because of our life style, we look for anything we can do to maintain our health and lifestyle without using the system.  As a result, we have become creative and spiritually powerful in our efforts.  Creator sent us a sign a few days ago and we grabbed on, thanks to @sagescrub.  I setup a store front for her so that people can purchase some of the items out of her apothecary or crafts that she works on during the winter.  Over the coming weeks we will have dozens of herbs, plants or other items that we use for our own health, harvested from the land that we steward.  

If you are at all interested in learning more, you can visit her store front at Homesteaders Co-op.

My wife is shy and quiet.  She is also an extremely powerful being.  Her ability to 'see', 'hear' and 'feel' goes beyond my current capabilities.  If she lived in the 1600's she most likely would have been burned at the stake as a witch.  But today I protect her so that she can practice her craft.  If you want to get a hold of her, you can do so through her store front.  Please say hello and visit the other vendors at Homesteaders Co-op!

Meanwhile, I express my gratitude and appreciation for all that she has done to help me along this path.  My love, appreciation and awe for her grows with each passing day.  As we quickly approach our 25th anniversary this summer, I wonder what other wonders await us along our journey.  The two of us made a pact, that we would do what ever it takes so that we can get it 'right' this time around and not have to return.  So we both decided to forgo earthly ambitions and instead work on our spirituality, healing and growth as spiritual beings.  As a result, I feel that we have lived more in the last 15 years than most people do in several life times.  

Working jobs, slaving for the man and finding ways to get by is not living.  We took risks that most people would consider insane.  We managed by having faith and trust in each other and the work that we do on our relationship.  We work as a team now and all decisions are consensus based, rooted in respect and honour.  If one disagrees, then we don't do it.  The last 16 years have been one adventure after another.  Dedicating our lives to each other rather than dedicating our lives to serve the 'man', has meant that our bond and relationship is deeper than I ever thought possible.  

The love we feel now is completely different than what got us together to begin with.  This type of love can only be felt by two people when they have gone through hell and back.  Most people quit.  But we did not.  Our strengths are different but complimentary.  It is our strength, love, dedication and faith in one another and ourselves that got us through all this.  For that I will always love, cherish and appreciate her, not matter what happens.  

I love you Carey!!!  <3


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This is the right way

This is a really beautiful story! I am filled with joy to hear how you have rekindled your love, dedicated your life together toward healing and pursuing spirit. I am so happy that you are finding a way to heal your cancer. I pray that you continue to progress with healthy developments and improve in health and spirit. It is really beautiful to hear about @carey-page's healing abilities and how she is dedicated to helping others. Much love to you both!

Thank you @sagescrub. <3 Your support, encouragement and participation is humbling beyond words. I usually have lots to say, but what you have done tonight is leaving me speechless. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Amen to that! The best is to have a strong woman, and even better to have one that believes and practices the same stuff that you do. Gotta do what you can to keep them!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've seen lots of couple break up as one partner wants to go one way and the other does not. It causes a lot of conflict and turmoil that most cannot seem to over come. I feel very blessed and fortunate. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Peace to you.

Make sure to tell Carey she is missed on Steemit!

It is appropriate that you honor your wife in this way. You wouldn't be here on this journey without her, and it must be gratifying that you and her are living the fruits of your labors after going to hell and back!

I will make sure to pass on the message. She struggled with blogging, but I do know that people valued what she did share. Indeed, what we have accomplished in our lives was a team effort and her contributions were divine! Peace to you @michaelevans. <3 Great to see you again.

All the best for both of you!

Everybody has his own "timeline" and it is a great experience to start to appreciate everything you have. Good luck and a lot of love for both of you.

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