Happy Mother's Day to Our Shield, Lighthouse, and Fortress!


Dear Mama,

Let this letter be etched in this blockchain forever as a testament of how grateful I am to have a mother who never failed to be our lighthouse and fortress. You know that I am not a fan of giving cheesy messages and I have also migrated from Facebook, but I will share this on Facebook so that you will be able to read this. I will stir away from my usual self and post this because this is your day.

I guess everyone who knows me realized that I am this sickly, sedentary, and underweight human being. It was just in college when I started to be a little bit active and wander wherever I wanted to be and whenever I can.

For everyone to know, whenever I feel sick, I will just sleep beside you and any kind of pain I feel becomes bearable. It seems that you are absorbing that extra pain that I can't bear. You always complain that whenever we're healthy, you couldn't find us sleeping beside you or we wouldn't listen to your words. But when we even have a slight fever, you found us snuggling beside you, having a good sleep while you are awake, keeping an eye on us.

Our Shield and Fortress

You have gone at great lengths just to protect us. I remembered one time when you have a fight with our neighbor because they are making false claims about us. Your words resonated in me when you said that it's fine if they hurl hurtful words towards you, just not to us. You said that hurting us is a different story. You are this emotional and crybaby when it comes to other things, but you transformed into a formidable beast when someone tried to hurt us.

You always protect us even if we are now full grown adults and can now stand on our own. Wait, let me rephrase that. I could not stand on my own because I couldn't even find my uniforms. Whenever I am looking something in the house, your name will always be called. To stir away from the main topic, I have always wondered why I couldn't stuff when it was just right at my face. Mothers have this power to magically make things appear in front of us when we almost turn the house upside down looking for them.

Back to being a shield and a fortress, you are always looking after us and protecting us from any kind of threat. It's just amazing to know how much strength you have just to divert those threats towards you and just absorb them. You are our refuge from those who tried to hurt us.

Our Lighthouse

You have always been our guide when it comes to life's decisions. You never failed to give us pieces of advice that formed as a basis of our character. Wherever we go, your light shines with us. Your light serves as our mark to the right direction of where we are going. Your light also serves as pointer as to where home is. Whenever we feel to be lost in our way, your light indicates that we could always go back home. The fortress is always there, waiting to be told by our exploits in the outside world.

You are our first and avid supporter. Whatever we want to do in life, you are always there to support us, whether you agree with it or not. You are the first to celebrate whenever we have milestones or achievements unlocked. You are always proud with our achievements that you have told everyone you know about us. I became less surprised and just smile when people would say, "Oh, is this Kim?" because you told them almost every achievement I had. You were very proud even when I said that I blog.

I will not add your picture here because you just uploaded 47 selfies on Facebook. That's why you're the coolest.

You will always be my foundation.



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happy Mothers day to your mom

Ana jd nang mga mama...ma-strong dayon kung daug daugon ang anak

To your Mom also, @anneporter!

True. Strong gyud bisan magsige hilak.

naa jud magic ang mga mama makakita jud sila sa atong mga gamit kung mangita ta maski kita ang naghipos. ahaha

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