And Now We Wait

in #update6 years ago (edited)

Photo by Juan Pablo Arenas from Pexels

After months of writing, editing, rewriting, more editing, more rewriting, and even more editing, I have finally sent "Ellie Finds a Friend" to a children's book publisher for considering. I won't reveal fact, I probably won't mention any of the publishers I submit to by name until I have a contract in hand from one.

And now we wait. The auto-response email I received said that if they're interested in my submission, I'll hear from in about six months. Six months is a very long time, what I'm I going to do while I wait?

Keep writing, of course! My job isn't done now that I've submitted to my first publisher. I need to keep improving my skill. First of all, I still have five more books in the "Adventures of Ellie and Rose" series to finish writing and editing. Should "Ellie Finds a Friend" find a home with a publisher, I will need to have the rest of the series done and ready to go.

I also still have many short stories that need to be finished or started. There's so many stories that need to be told by my hands, so I will allow them to keep me busy and occupied so that the waiting isn't so painful.

I just want to thank everyone here and at @thewritersblock for all of your support with my writing. Had I not joined Steem, I never would've found TWB, and I may never have rediscovered my love of writing and telling stories. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


Best of luck on the submission process, @therosepatch! If nothing else, it gets that particular work out of your hands and head so you can focus on something new.

Where will we be in 6 months? Dang...that's a long time.

Keep us all at TWB posted on how things go, either way!

Good luck! Fingers crossed for you.

Best of luck. If it doesn't get accepted, try entering in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Billy Bob Buttons is a UK bestselling children's author. It's a great place to network:

Thank you! And thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look at it! <3

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