in #vaccination6 years ago

The official statistics is created carefully to convience people about great effectiveness of vaccination.

Many different methids are used to reach this goal: creating fake investigations, increasing the statistical number of diseases among unvaccinated kids and even making wrong diagnoses!

The last one is the most shockingly, but as a famous Russian proverb says "There are no bad methods during the war", and vaccination became a real war for health long ago...

I've insider's information that is reliable and true because I've got it from my closest friends and relatives working in the medical spehere.
It's a big secret but they have told me that if there're too many diseases among vaccinated kids who have got injections against this very disease, and they feel really bad (so vaccination neither protected them, nor gave a chance to get a light form of this sickness), then doctors just make a substitution of diagnoses, not to spoil "holy" statistics about vaccination success.

How does it work?

very simple.
If a vaccinated kid has got whooping cough, then a pediatritian makes a diagnosis of bronchitis for him!
Our people have blind trust to doctors, and they will hardly check it anywhere else.
Moreover, parents who have vaccinated their kids, will be glad to believe it's really only bronchitis, because their belief in vaccination power is blind as well.

There are numerous proofs that vaccinated kids have no protection from diseases, but now in the century of Internet and free access to information, it's possible to find even definite documents prooving it.

For example, in eastern Europe there was loud panic because of measles that attack many kids this year.
Of course, all vaccination fans blame their "bloody enemies" - unvaccinated families.
They cry about their gilt in this epidemic situation (though news about epidemic was exaggerated in many regions and countries - a great way to create panic in the society and make people be vaccinated as soon as possible).

But let's look at the document that has become very popular in the web.

It shows the reality, not fake statistics for "sancta simplicitas"


The translation:

Decree on carrying out preventive measures for the time of raising of measles disease cases.

A temporarily fulfilling duties of the state sanitary doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan declares that since June 2018 there has been an increase in the number of cases of measles.

Bedore June, 2018 there was only 1 registered measles case in the region. But from June, 18 till July, 4 there were already 12 sick people (6 kids and 6 adults).

And the main information!! It's underlined with a red line!

12 people are sick with measles: 9 of them have been VACCINATED, and 3 - UNVACCINATED (!!!),

2 of them have rejected from vaccination, 1 kid had age limiattion.

The rest of the text isn't so important, it just gives banal information about meaures of preventing the disease,

The main is that kids who should have been protected from the disease get sick 3 times oftener than kids with natural immunity who weren't hurted by chemical injections!

No comments are needed, I think.

Just one more proof that vaccination is a big bubble of lie that hurts millions of children...


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12 people are sick with measles: 9 of them have been VACCINATED, and 3 - UNVACCINATED (!!!),
2 of them have rejected from vaccination, 1 kid had age limiattion.
The main is that kids who should have been protected from the disease get sick 3 times oftener than kids with natural immunity who weren't hurted by chemical injections!

Your math is correct if and only if exactly half of the population in the republic is vaccinated against the measles. Reductio-ad-absurdum, consider if there were only three people in the republic who were not vaccinated, and all three of them got the measles - the claim that "the vaccinated are three times more likely to catch measles" would obviously be wrong.

If 2/3 of the population is vaccinated, one could be tempted to conclude that the vaccine neither helps not promotes the measles. I believe that the real percentage in Bashkortostan is closer to 95%, though I'm of course guessing here.

Also, the numbers aren't statistically significant. The only conclusion one can draw from it is that the vaccine isn't 100% effective.

As for the whopping cough example, you may have a point - I don't believe there is any conspiracy going on, but a doctor would probably be a bit too quick to write a diagnosis, not even considering the possibility that someone that is vaccinated against whopping cough would have the whopping cough.

I do believe the situation today with the health-care heavily relying on a profit-driven "big pharma"-industry is quite sub-optimal, and of course there are risks with vaccines - but in general, I do believe in vaccines. Thanks to vaccination, we've eradicated Kopper, we've almost managed to eradicate Polio, and the Measles has become a rare disease.

The success of the vaccines may be their downfall - yes, since the measles are such a rare disease, the risks of taking the measles vaccine probably outweighs the small risk of getting the measles. This logic is true as long as everybody else takes the vaccine. For the society as such it would be ideal if 100% of the population got vaccinated, this could cause an eradication just like with the Kopper.

as you can see in my blog, I've another opinion about vaccination, but it's your right to have Your own opinion.
anyways, thank you for attention and for such a detailed comment!

Thanks for the good information. Please visit my blog too.

what kind of diseases? i dont know about that

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