Dangerous parents and faint glimmers of hope

in #vaccines6 years ago

I generally keep well away from the comments sections on Facebook, especially on the pages of “celebs”, because...you know. It's not worth my time.
However, this morning I got sucked in reading the comments on a post made by Kat Von D on social media about her pregnancy. In it, she complained about people giving unsolicited advice (as they do, on social media) and announced she will have a homebirth, raise her baby vegan and most incredibly, she won't vaccinate the kid. She then ended her message biding a buh-bye to the people who didn't agree and thanking her supporters.
Wow. Well, I think most people did not get the buh-bye part because the comment section was full (and I mean brimming) with messages that were all the same.

"I was with you until the no-vaccination."

You know, stuff like that. It amazed me to see just how many idiots there are out there, how many misinformed people. Almost every comment that I read was going 'get more information', but what struck me as peculiar was that the pro-vaxxers weren't bringing much info to the table themselves.
Saying 'Is so' is not a debate. Sorry.

I don't think I saw any links to actual studies about vaccines. I didn't see any links that disprove all the cases where vaccination has caused autism, death, seizures... Not one.
Funny, for people who advocate getting more information and claim to be educated about vaccines, they had little evidence to support their argument.
But I forget, these people don't need evidence. It's enough that they believe in something, that it's their chosen lifestyle and that the lovely MSM preachers seem to agree. You know, for someone who is so big on science, they seem awfully religious.

One person who did provide some actual links to government research (no less) about vaccines was....an ANTI-VAXXER!
Shocking, I know. A single woman in tens of thousands was actually bringing some evidence that admitted there's a lot of dangerous shit in those vaccines and she was on the wrong side of the table. Huh. Who would've thought....after all, pro-vaxxers are soo well informed.

Only they're not well-informed. Most of them aren't, anyway, the large majority. Most are just spewing the same phrase they probably heard on the news or from some friends who seemed to know what they were talking about. Because that's what research means to these people – that a confident-looking person told them that.
That's it. And that's why it's so easy to manipulate these masses of people. You just get someone with some authority (like a doctor, a professor, even a newscaster) to say something often enough and loud enough and they believe you pretty soon.

I hear you but not vaccinating your child puts the rest of us at risk.

Thousands of comments like this one. Yeah well, you know what's strange about the above statement? That it doesn't mention that not vaccinating doesn't actually put ALL of us at risk. Just an unfortunate few, or at least so the theory goes (that not vaxxing puts infants too young for vaccines or people with immunity issues at risk). And even then, it's not dead-certain, you know, not vaxxing does not mean your child will undoubtedly go on to infect some poor baby with measles and the baby will die.
There's no guarantee.
Just like there's no guarantee that your child will be immune to the disease you're vaccinating against. None.
You don't get an 100% certainty that your child, once vaccinated, will live a happy, carefree, and most importantly disease-free life.
And here's another thing you don't get a guarantee on. You don't get a guarantee that your baby won't die mysteriously in the middle of the night after you vaccinate. You don't get any promise that your healthy little boy or girl won't drop dead (yeah, there's evidence of that happening) after you vaccinate. So many cases of people who were damaged for life, after getting a shot, of hearts stopping.
Hearts that shouldn't have stopped for a long time.

And somehow, they were all revolving around vaccines.

So no, you don't get any guarantees of any kind, either pro or against. Your kid may die if you don't vaccinate, sure, but he might die if you do, so...
At least you know you're not injecting your baby with all sorts of poisonous substances. Because you are, that's what you're doing when you're vaxxing. I mean seriously, we're talking about the same government that sprays toxic crap on vegetables and fruit to preserve them, make 'em bigger and prettier. They have no problem poisoning us.
Do you really want to trust them with your child's life? I wouldn't.

But, nobody thinks about that. And that's what I hate most about reading these comments, that these people are so blindly refusing to think. I came across one comment that really got on my nerves:

Too many people read shit on the internet, and find anything they can to back up what they believe making them out to be a fact. The only fact is you endanger your child as well as others, and that is ridiculous!

Yeah lady, those people you're talking about...that's you. Because you bring forth no evidence to support your claims that anti-vaxxers are indeed lunatics. No, she just repeats the tired old “you're putting others at risk”, which I think another woman answered very well, by explaining that yes, this is true, but it refers to a relatively few people and if she had to choose between risking her own child's life and maybe, possibly, the off-chance that someone else might catch something, she'd choose her kid.
Well, obviously.
I came across another comment that I really liked, when looking for the one above.

Vaccines are largely a myth. Deaths from smallpox and polio were dramatically decreasing before those vaccines ever came out due to improved sanitary conditions. I have done some research of my own in regard to vaccines and Autism and my findings are rather startling. Looking at the "Big Picture" and knowing that there is a depopulation agenda (Agenda 21), I believe that the vaccine caused Autism epidemic is by design...
What I have learned about vaccines and its connection to Autism is this...
Two things we need to keep in mind about newborns:

  1. A newborn child's brain is not fully developed at birth.
  2. A newborn child's immune system is not fully developed at birth.
    And neither develop until at least age 3.
    So, it begs the common sense question...Why would doctors administer any kind of vaccines to a child until that child is at least 3 years of age?
    Vaccines are a wash with toxins and known neuro-toxins. Most notably...Polysorbate 80, Thimerosal(mercury), aluminum and formaldahyde. Polysorbate 80 is used to open up the blood/brain barrier, allowing neuro-toxins to get into the brain and disrupt the development of a child's undeveloped brain. In my opinion, it is absolutely diabolical what vaccine manufacturers are doing to children. It is nothing short of Crimes Against Humanity.

Also, it is very alarming that no vaccine manufacturer can be held liable for the product that they produce. Any settlements that are made (provided that a person qualifies) are paid through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. Whereas a portion of the cost of the vaccine is paid into the Fund. In other words...vaccine related deaths/injuries are merely a cost in doing business. They have no incentive to make a safe vaccine.

Please read carefully at:
H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

You know what I love? That he thought it through, that there's actual research behind these words. Yet, I wonder how many bothered to read it? It's way too long for the ten second attention span of the regular Facebook user.
But there are people, these are the people I was talking about when I said 'glimmers of hope'.
There are people who are trying to keep up the debate, to explain, to prove the things they believe in, show why exactly the believe. It's sad that's it's a one sided debate, though.

Thank you for reading,




Unfortunately, the money used to conduct any meaningful research is provided by the people who have a financial incentive to show their products are necessary and safe. I'd feel a lot better if we could see a genuine, independent analysis of risks vs. benefits.

When Stephen Levitt, the author of Freakonomics, was researching child safety-seats, for example, he discovered that no one had tested crash-test child sized dummies without them. It took him ages to find a firm that would allow him to do the studies himself. That's because all the companies capable of performing the tests were paid by the child-seat manufacturers. And yet parents are legally required to purchase these expensive things and replace them every year or so!

That being said, if Kat Von D is so concerned about injecting toxic substances into the body, she might want to spare a thought about all those tattoos!

Should we even read about them always?
I even wonder why many people make series of comments on their posts that they don't read

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Vaccination
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